Need help designing a screen

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 24. Oct. 2007 - 09:00

I posted in the conveyor forum and got some great help with my project so now I am onto the next phase.

First, a little background. I am senior Manufacturing Engineering Student at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona) and I am working on a senior project / Westec ( ) project for my department. For the project we are upgrading / modernizing our foundry on campus. The process includes a shaker / screen to break the sand away from the finished castings, a "sifter" to breakup the large clumps, a conveyor and a hopper to store the sand. We already have the hopper and conveyor nailed down and now I am trying to put the finishing touches on the shaker assembly.I posted in the conveyor forum and got some great help with my project so now I am onto the next phase.

First, a little background, I am senior Manufacturing Engineering Student at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona) working on a senior project / Westec ( ) project for my department. For the project we are upgrading / modernizing our foundry on campus. The process includes designing and building a combination shaker / screen and a “sifter” to refine the sand and a hopper to store the sand and purchase a conveyor to transport the sand from the shaker to the hopper. We already have the hopper and conveyor pretty well nailed down and now I am trying to put the finishing touches on the shaker assembly.

The current design we are working on has a 3' x 5' table and a sprung weight of about 475 lbs. There are 3 different screens, large - 1" square, medium - 1/2" x 1" diamond, and small - 1/4" x 3/4" diamond. I will attach a picture so you guys have an idea of what the design looks like.

We are trying to figure out how to make the table shake. I have seen shafts with out of balance weights used in deburing operations but I have no idea how to calculate what RPM or how far out the weights need to be to get the shaking we need. We are hoping to mount the motor on the left side or on the back in the left corner (from the view of the picture attached). The other aspect we are trying to figure out is what size motor we need. We can get to 120, 220 1 & 3 phase. I would prefer to keep it to single phase but that is only because I don't know much about 3 phase. Also, we are trying to keep the costs down. I have about $600 for a motor and possible a variable speed drive to control the motor.

I really appreciate any help or suggestions I can get on this project. I am a little over my head but I enjoy these projects and always learn a lot from them.

Thank you,


The current design we are working on has a 3' x 5' table and the sprung weight is about 475 lbs. There are 3 different screens, large - 1" square, medium - 1/2" x 1" diamond, and small - 1/4" x 3/4" diamond openings. I will attach a picture so you guys have an idea of what the design looks like.

We are trying to figure out how to make the table shake. I have seen shafts with out of balance weights used in deburing operations but I have no idea how to calculate what RPM or how far out the weights need to be. We are hoping to mount the motor on the left side or on the back in the left corner. The other aspect we are trying to figure out is what size motor we need. We can get to 120, 220 1 & 3 phase. I would prefer to keep it to single phase but that is only because I don't know much about 3 phase. Also, we are trying to keep the costs down. I have about $600 for a motor and possible a variable speed drive to control the motor.

I really appreciate any help I can get on this project. I am a little over my head but I enjoy these projects and always learn a lot from them.

Thank you,


(not verified)

Re: Need Help Designing A Screen

Posted on 24. Oct. 2007 - 07:14



shaker (JPG)

(not verified)

Re: Need Help Designing A Screen

Posted on 24. Oct. 2007 - 08:09

Thank you. Can you open solidworks 2007 files? Thats all I have. I will send them over right now and if you need any other file types I can save as something else. Like I said in the first post. The weight of the moving part of the assembly is 475 lbs.

Thank you for your help.

Re: Need Help Designing A Screen

Posted on 24. Oct. 2007 - 08:14


I can't read Solidworks 2007 - if you sent dwgs of a model or pdfs with a centre of gravity shown it will be fine

Ziggy Gregory
(not verified)

Re: Need Help Designing A Screen

Posted on 24. Oct. 2007 - 08:48

I sent out an email with some dimensions of where the COG is on the assembly. I hope there is enough information on there. If not let me know. I will be back on the forum in about 10 hrs after my midterm tomorrow. Thanks for your help.