How much clearance around a vibrating screen body do we need GENERALLY?
Generally it is 2" all the way around the vibrating screen box.
If a very long stroke unit..........say 3/4" or 7/8" stroke length on a flat screen for example........the manufacturer may ask for 3" all around the vibrating box to the stationary structure.
See picture......This is actually a new vibrating screen installation site. When out is very amazing to me to see what folks allow to happen with their process equipment.
IGNORANCE of the rules is quite we must constantly educate our customers to help them save money.
THIS PICTURE: As you can see the housekeeping is non existant and because of this.......the spilled material at the discharge end of the screen has built up.........HARDENED like concrete ....FILLED the 2" of clearance around the body.......and now we have zero clearance, AN INTERFERENCE FIT to the structure....WE have major rubbing damage to the main sideplate of the machine, an erractic UNEQUAL stroke pattern around all four corners which of course indicates it is rubbing somewhere.
This fix will cost him.......2 new sideplates, cost crane for 2 days, 2 new bearings possibly, loss tonnage lets say at 500tph x 20 hours or 10,000 tons at say $4.00 a ton or $40,000 in loss revenue. NOT A GOOD THING .
Remember........GOOD HOUSEKEEPING saves you money
Signing off with the Housekeeping Seal of approval....George
Best Regards,George BakerRegional Sales Manager - CanadaTELSMITH IncMequon, WI1-519-242-6664 CellE: (work) [email][/email]E: (home) [email][/email]website: [url][/url]Manufacturer of portable, modular and stationary mineral processing equipment for the aggregate and mining industries.
Clearance Around A Vibrating Screen Body?
How much clearance around a vibrating screen body do we need GENERALLY?
Generally it is 2" all the way around the vibrating screen box.
If a very long stroke unit..........say 3/4" or 7/8" stroke length on a flat screen for example........the manufacturer may ask for 3" all around the vibrating box to the stationary structure.
See picture......This is actually a new vibrating screen installation site. When out is very amazing to me to see what folks allow to happen with their process equipment.
IGNORANCE of the rules is quite we must constantly educate our customers to help them save money.
THIS PICTURE: As you can see the housekeeping is non existant and because of this.......the spilled material at the discharge end of the screen has built up.........HARDENED like concrete ....FILLED the 2" of clearance around the body.......and now we have zero clearance, AN INTERFERENCE FIT to the structure....WE have major rubbing damage to the main sideplate of the machine, an erractic UNEQUAL stroke pattern around all four corners which of course indicates it is rubbing somewhere.
This fix will cost him.......2 new sideplates, cost crane for 2 days, 2 new bearings possibly, loss tonnage lets say at 500tph x 20 hours or 10,000 tons at say $4.00 a ton or $40,000 in loss revenue. NOT A GOOD THING .
Remember........GOOD HOUSEKEEPING saves you money
Signing off with the Housekeeping Seal of approval....George
interference fit to structure pic 3 (ZIP)