Grinding And Coating Of Calcium Carbonate.
The best way to produce your calcium carbonate is to use ball mill with air classifier.
OME Malaysia Company has for mission the engineering of-the art ultra-fine classifying, grinding and coating of calcium carbonate.
We are dedicated to produce air classifiers, and ball-mills. We also have expertise in calcium carbonate compounds.
Constant innovation on our classifiers has lead to sharper cuts, less maintenance and the ability to produce minerals of d98<8µm.
We can supply you with finest quality equipment at a good price we have experience in the field and had already installed many plants in Malaysia, Thailand and Saudi Arabia.
We are in process for signing a new contract for 2 plants 1 in Egypt and another in Saudi Arabia
Please fill free to send your enquiries and we will be happy meet you and discuss your project.
Business & Marketing Development ■
There are a variety of possible solutions to your production requirements however I would suggst that jet milling as a final step is probaly not hte optimum solution. It si extremely energ intensive and capital intensive too.
Ig you send your full requirements to me at rwoosnam@procengtech.co.uk I will gladly discuss the various options we can offer which may better fit your total requirement.
Best regards
Richard Woosnam ■
Manufacturing Gcc
It is right, using a ball mill and fine air classifiers is the most common and in most of the cases the best way to produce GCC.
Anyway, this depends very much on your market and on the properties of your raw material.
There is no One-Size-Fits-All Solution.
Ecutec S.L. is the calcium carbonate expert on the market. We can help you to find THE solution that fits to you, your market and the available recources.
Our production program includes air classifiers and pin mills, pearl mills and ball-mills for a range of d98 < 1 - 300 microns.
Ecutec’ machinery is entirely produced in Germany.
We offer a complete engineering and consulting service, layout, design and start-up of turnkey plants.
Ecutec has a pilot plant / test center where the customer’s grinding and classifying processes can be simulated.
You are highly welcome to contact us:
Thanks in advance.
Dietmar Kneissler
Sales Director ■
Re: How To Manufacture Ground Calcium Carbonate
Dear Sir,
Our company DESI - E AS is many-year producer of grinding equipment as Mill, Classifier, Complete plant for fine grinding of Calcium Carbonate into powder with particle size d98 10 microns and medium size below 5 microns (3-4 microns), capasity
800 -1000 kg/h. If our information is of interest for you, please contact us desie@anet.ee
Sincerely yours
Bella Shagarova ■
Re: How To Manufacture Ground Calcium Carbonate
Dear Sirs,
Ball mill plus fine classifer system is a most effective and economic solution for fine grinding of calcium carbonate. Our company belongs to IVA-GmbH German who has much experience in GCC processing and delivered quite a lot of plants world-wide. We use IVA technology and the equipment is made in China. I hope to cooperate with you and I believe you will enjoy hi-tech and the most economic solution. Please do not hesitate to contact us through e-mail: ivazhu@yahoo.com.cn
Sincerely yours,
ShanghAi IVA ■
Your task can be fulfilled with very low energy consumption by a combination of a pre-crusher and the agitated media mill MaxxMill in a closed circuit operation with an air classifier. Data for energy consumption and capacities can be send to you on request.
If you have questions, please contact our sister company
India Pvt. Ltd.
119 ABC Govt. Industrial Estate
400 067 Kandivli (West), Mumbai
Tel.: +91 - 22 - 28679444
Fax: +91 - 22 - 28682145
E-mail: etbom@vsnl.com
or have a look on our website @ http://www.eirich.com/index.php?scri.../Content&id=94
Stefan Gerl
stefan.gerl@eirich.de ■
Processing Of Gcc
Fine ground calcium carbonate (gcc) is in use as fillers in plastics, paints and in paper. The fineness for such application starts with 97 % < 10 micron and of course is finer even down to 95 % < 2 micron. Paper filling and coating is produced normally on wet milling stages. Whereas all other applications are produced on dry process. Due to quality reason and due to economical aspects worldwide the ball mill systems in combination with one or more classifiers are used.
The Alpine system is unique in such a way that the multiwheel classifier allows to have a system with one ball mill and one classifier. The advantage is that the product quality is maintained on a very high level and availability of the plant is improved. On the other hand the investment cost are reduced.
Using the jet milling the specific energy is approximately ten times higher. Theoretically jet mill works for such application but the product is not competitive on the market. ■
Re: How To Manufacture Ground Calcium Carbonate
Dear : sir
could u quote us with your competitive price of this machine
name : calcium carbonate mill
feed size : 10 : 25 mm
output size : 25 micron : 200 micron ( 45,150,75,)
raw material : limestone high solid
production capacity : 3000 kg : 4000 kg / hour
aymn ayas.810@gmail.com
faleh@misferest.com ■
Re: How To Manufacture Ground Calcium Carbonate
We are producer of GCC in Gujarat, India. For your requirement you need ball milling attached with air classifier. Several suppliers are there. We use Hosokawa Alpine. And believe they are the best. Others would promise finer top cut but Alpine would deliver. They have office in Chennai, check with them. Regards. Suhrud ■
Single Process
We are totally agree to them regarding the combination of Raymond mill + Jet mill would definitely be unsuitable for this throughput and uneconomical for the required product fineness.
Therefore, Luzim use a “single process”(One-Size-Fits-All Solution) to achieve a required product fineness to save cost of system as well as energy consumed.
Please refer Luzim web: www.luzim.com.tw for further discussion.
Thomas ■
Caco3 Grinding
Dear Mr. Saurabh Singhania
With the new technology of Neuman & Esser GmbH from Germany, it is possible to ground your product in 1 step to the fineness of d50 = 5 or even lower.
It is not necessary to install 2 Mill types.
This is a higher investment and more expensive due to higher energy costs, more maintenance, more spare part costs, much longer down time for replacing parts, etc...
If interested, please send me an email with specifications of the raw material.
I will send you more details about our patented systems.
Jackie meul
Area Sales Manager
Mahl- und Sichtsysteme
Grinding and Classifying Systems
www.neuman-esser.de ■
Re: How To Manufacture Ground Calcium Carbonate
I have two complete, used jet mill systems available:
Price: US$37,500 ea., loaded into containers.
Also a classifier to single digit micron:
Price: US$27,500 loaded into container.
Michael R. Ebert
Machinery & Equipment Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 7632
San Francisco, CA USA
Phone: 800-227-4544
Fax: 415-467-2639
e-mail: mike@machineryandequipment.com
website: www.machineryandequipment.com ■
Need Assistance
I am new to the business and looking for ball mill and air classifier combos on various trade site.
Most manufactureres in China advised me that my requirement (400 to 800 mesh OR 37 to 18 micron) cannot be achieved by ball mill. Most of them suggested me their high pressure suspension mill system. Can anyone here please tell me
1. Ball mill VS high pressure suspension mill, what are pros and cons?
2. If ball mill cant reach fineness of 400 to 800 mesh, how classifir does that, cuz my understanding is that classifier does not further crush the material it just separate the fine from the coarse, am i right?
3. We get raw material in form of huge stones. Which machine or crusher will i need to break those stones to the size feedable to the ballmill.
4. Ball mill quotes I got from manufacturers are form as low as $9000 to as high as $40,000 all claiming the sme out put of 1.5 to 4 tons per hour. What should be the deciding factors. Of course I want to save some money but don't want to end up buying unusable crap.
Your replies and help in this regard will be appreciated.
JK ■
Attn: Jkgreat Who Needs Assistance
Dear JK,
The information you have provided is not sufficient to give you a good enough
advice. ( and it is the best you can get since accurate professional advice is provided only for a fee
My best advice to you would be find a professional to consult with!!!!!
It is very easy to spend a lot of money for unusable crap.
Now for your questions (at least some of them):
It would help a lot if you mention your feed material & its related properties like moisture for example.
As a principle a ball mill & a classifier circuit can achieve P95=37 micron and P95=18 micron, but your show has to be tuned up and you must have an efficient classifier, and there are not many manufacturers which produce high efficiency classifiers (and they aint cheap).
I would not mention more then 10 of them or even less...
On the other hand ball mills are produced everywhere, just check the quality of fabrication.
Ball mill are simple, rugged (if properly fabricated), easy to operate & maintain, low downtime machines.
High Pressure Suspension Mill (a roller mill I reckon):
Only a few of them could reach 37 microns top size (it depends on the feed material & its properties), and never heard one matching 18 micron,
(If you find one please give me the link, I am interested!)
General rule says classifier will start to classify efficiently enough when there is at least 30% of end product fraction in its feed coming from the ball mill.
"huge stones" is not a very precise description for feed size for the crusher
but I will take your word for it
If its huge then you might need not only primary crusher but a secondary crushing
phase or even one more, since crushers size reduction ratio is around 10.
For efficient ultra fine grinding feed size to a ball mill would be around 5-6 mm
(again I am very much in the dark here, you did not provide any real data )
Do not buy anything before consulting a professional and doing a lot of research
concerning your tech needs & conditions
Ezry Akkerman
cyclotec@gmail.com ■
Gcc Milling Equipment
To whom it may concern,
My name is Mark Toman and I am the Director of Business Development for Classifier Milling Systems Corporation. You can view us online at www.cms-can.com for more information. However, briefly we are a size reduction and grinding technology company. We manufacture process equipment with many years of experience in the size reduction industry. At CMS we strive to earn our customer’s trust by supplying high quality equipment. I noticed that many of the responses to your query have implied that ball mills in congruence with an air classifier would be your best option - I tend to disagree with this due to the energy consumption that comes along with the use of a ball mill, which in turn increases your operating costs. Our equipment will use significantly less energy and therefore up your overall profit margins.
Our products are designed for reliable performance, easy maintenance, and energy efficiency. We have patented technology to most efficiently grind down particles to a uniform consistency, as well as reduce the amount of waste produced from the process. Whether it is offering a new system, designing additions to your existing operation, or simply supplying you with quality spare parts on time, we are looking to improve your company’s production, and profitability. At CMS we are committed to implementing and maintaining the highest standards of quality to ensure customer satisfaction.
We have expanded across the globe with projects in China and Brazil, among other places, ranging from the resource extraction industry to pharmaceuticals. Beyond the basic idea of grinding efficiency, we have also developed emission control technology with the capability of reducing excreted emissions to a fraction of your current levels.
I recently saw your post on the forum and thought that due to our expertise in the calcium carbonate industry specifically, we could help improve your company’s efficiency and costs, while also increasing production levels and therefore, profit margin. We are currently in negotiations with several large CaCO3 mining firms, and have effectively advised them on the best and most efficient ways to, both mine and grind their calcium carbonate, to the highest quality level of uniformly ground powder. Please feel free to email me back and let me know if you may be interested. I look forward to discussing the capability of supplying your company with our equipment and service. Your time and consideration is greatly appreciated. I would like the opportunity to test your material in our lab system and determine if it is compatible with our system, and will turn out to be the best option for you.
You can contact me at anytime via email at m.toman@cms-can.com.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Mark Toman ■
Dear Sir,
NEUMAN & ESSER GmbH is manufacturing Grinders & Classifiers in Germany.
For your product we recommand our Pendulum Roller mill with High Efficiency Classifier.
It is not necessary to go to another jetmill to ground finer.
With our technology you can ground d98=10µm
For feeding into our smallest mill type up to 600 kg/hr for d50=5µm, the lumps need to be smaller than 20mm. A small economic crusher is doing this.
For more info, please contact us :
mailto: jackie.meul@neuman-esser.de
Website: www.neuman-esser.de ■
How to manufacture Ground Calcium Carbonate
We want to put up a plant to manufacture Ground Calcium Carbonate (GCC). The raw-material is Calcite (limestone) ore, with Mohs hardness 3. Calcite will be available in lumps of 20 - 60 mm diameter.
We want to produce 10 MT per day (24 hr operation). We want our final product size to be less than 10 microns ( d(98) = 10 micron and d(50) = 5 micron ).
We are currently thinking of using a Raymond Roller mill to grind the material to 45 micron level. The output from Raymond Roller mill will be fed to a Jet mill to further reduce the size to desired level. The above solution seems workable, but is turning out to be very expensive! While Raymond Roller mill of this size is easily and fairly cheaply available, Jet mill of this size will be very expensive. After speaking to few manufacturers, I got a general feedback that Jet mills are more popular for the Pharma industry. Thus they are designed to give output about 100 - 500 Kgs per day. If we want higher output, the air compressor will be very big, which will drive the cost up.
Kindly let me know if there is any other better solution available. Your help will be much appreciated.
Saurabh Singhania
Navrang Industries,