Oil free air compressor ZT-37 ( element temperature abnormal)

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 25. Dec. 2007 - 08:06

Our plant is using ZT-37 Atlas copco Oil free rotary tooth air compressor.We have been using this air compressor almost 4 years.Recently The compressor was suffered with element-1 oulet ( temperature after Lp elemet) and Element-2 inlet ( temperature after intercooler ) is abnormal ( the temperature is higher than the range.)

Prior to that, i cleaned the intercooler and aftercooler from dust and dirts.But the problem still happen again.

My question is , why this problem happen and what is the main cause of this problem.? second question is, how to carry out the counter measure in order to prevent or reduce the losses of air flowrate?

I hope , somebody can explain and help me in order to solve this problem.

Thank you.




Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 25. Dec. 2007 - 10:11

dear syaChAh,

The Atlas Copco ZT 37 AC is a two stage oil free screw compressor.

To reach 7.5 bar(o) it is necessary to use a 2-stage configuration in order to keep the compression temperatures within limits.

The intermediate cooling controls the intermediate pressure between the first stage and the second stage compressor.

The first stage compressor volume and the second stage compressor volume are tuned to each other by design at a chosen intermediate pressure and intermediate temperature.

The internal leakage of the second stage can increase by time due to the wearing of the screw gap. The second stage will compress less air then the first stage and the intermediate pressure rises and becomes hotter.

If the cooling is not functioning properly (too hot cooling medium, dirty cooler) then the intermediate temperature rises as well as the intermediate pressure.

The first thing to do now is to measure the intermediate pressure and temperature and compare those measurements with the data sheets.

And call in an Atlas Copco service expert.

best regards



(not verified)

Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37

Posted on 26. Dec. 2007 - 04:58

Dear Teus,

Thank you for your good information.I really Appreciate it.

Anyway , I would like inform you that , I have compared the intermediate temperature with the data sheet, but the temperature is out of range only recently , previously the temperature is within the specs.

I have checked the cooling system and its running properly with good ventilation.Now the compressor is running without any problem,but when the load is high the itermediate temperature also become higher.

is it the internal leakage occurs when the clearance( gap) between the screw is bigger than the design clearance.?

How to minimize the internal leakage ?and how to reduce the intermidiate temperature? other than to replace the new screw.

Best Regards


Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 26. Dec. 2007 - 10:44

Dear SYachah ,

You did not mention that you have checked the intermediate pressure.

If the intermediate pressure rises above the specification pressure and the cooling is functioning properly, then the screws could be worn too much, causing internal leakage and heating up.

When screws are worn out, there is only one remedy (other than running at a lower load for a while):

Consult Atlas Copco and eventually replace the rotors

best regards



Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 27. Dec. 2007 - 02:55

I have always found Atlas Copco aloof & uncoordinated at the top end of their machinery range. Customers & potential customers, & myself when I worked there, get shunted between Belgium & Sweden as if they were adjacent stations on an urban metro. The whole operation runs like a multi-lingual call centre.

After you've got the A-C prices for a rotor set you'd better buy an extra spare (don't forget to store it on end) just in case A-C drop out of the heavy side marketplace in the interim. You're working on 4 year increments; don't forget.

You might also like to compare the replacement rotor price against the excellent Japanese (Mycom) & Scottish (Howden) alternatives for complete new units.

John Gateley johngateley@hotmail.com www.the-credible-bulk.com

(not verified)

Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 27. Dec. 2007 - 11:46

Dear Teus and John

Thanks for your knowledge and information. actually i have replaced 1 unit low pressure rotor ( 1 st stage rotor )last year.

Now , i think the same problem come up. The compressor only 4 years in operation , i dunno when this rotor can last.The rotor prize is crazy in malaysia, they will bring it from belgium to malaysia.

I have checked the atlas copco expert in malaysia.They never admit that their rotor always problem recently.They blamed on us in term our maintenance.

Now im going to arrange new rotor, i have to.. Beside that we have purchased new oil free compressor , german technology..in malaysia we call CARLING AIR COMPRESSOR.

BEst regards


Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 27. Dec. 2007 - 08:24

Dear SYachah ,

"german technology"

Is that Aerzen technology ?

best regards



(not verified)

Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 28. Dec. 2007 - 11:10

Dear Teus and John

I want to know , what is the actual definition of Oil free Air compressor.untill now im still confuse either oil content in the compressed air before filtration of air dryer or filtration after air dryer.

For your information , The airend actually from germany, but i dont know either this rotor from Aerzen technology or not.What i know is this technology use single stage compression from 0 - 8 bar.Then the rotor itself is directly contact with lubricant.And after finish all filtration including filtration at air dryer , the oil content in the compressed air is 0.003mg/m3.

Do you have any comment on the single stage compression compare to double stage compression.which one is better?

Best Regards


Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 28. Dec. 2007 - 12:46

Dear syachah,

Another manufacturer in Germany is GHH Rand.

A screw compressor consists of 2 rotor screws, paired together with the gas intake at one end and the outlet at the other end.

Before the formed gas chamber is released to the outlet, the chamber is reduced in size against the end shield of the screw housing, thereby internally compressing the gas.

The rotors are not touching each other, thereby leaving a gap that causes the internal leakage.

An oil free screw compressor compresses the gas in this way. The compression is abiabatic + isochoric.

An oil injected compressor uses the injected oil for 2 purposes:


The oil seals the rotor clearances, thereby improving the volumetric efficiency considerably.

High compression temperatures limit the compression ratio of one stage.


Cooling the compressed air

The compression is the isothermal + isochoric. (Causing energy savings)

The oil is removed from the gas stream, cooled and re-injected again

Due to the isothermal compression, higher pressure ratios in one stage are possible.

It is your process that requires oil free compressed gas (medical or food applications) or whether it can accept a trace of oil in the gas flow.

If the process can accept some oil than the oil injected screw compressor is preferred.




Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 28. Dec. 2007 - 06:05

Kind attention Teus Tuinenburg

If not forgot ihd lot of conversation regarding compressor with yoy

well this time i comeup with some new queries related to densephase conveying system

One of my client has problem with conveying of ash ie our design was to convey 80tph ash to the silo instead which he is able to convey 30tph 60% less than design

As per our design structure he must use air 14m3/min @3bar which he is able to maintain , but since he is not able to convey the same as per their requirement that makes them unhappy with system

Actually why iam emphasizing on this matter ie, in densephase flow rate of material is 3m/s

.In their system conveying time is 120sec and length of conveying is probably not more than 100Mtr Now since flow rate is 3m/s they must have the distance of conveying 3x120=360mtr which is not there

Kindly forgive me if iam wrong but i want to keep my self on the same track ie wat would be the effect on the system if situation comes out to be like this

Thanx in anticipation




Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 28. Dec. 2007 - 08:53

Dear Rahul,

As you will understand, it is very difficult (impossible) to analyze a built system and its design without the relevant data available.

From the decision to build a system until the realization, many steps are taken and each step can be the source of a not expected performance.

First thing to do is to check and measure if possible, whether all the field parameters match with the design parameters.

Conclusion: more info needed.

best regards


PS: As this thread is about 2-stage screw compressors it would be better to create a new thread with your question about the pneumatic ash conveying installation.


Conveying Distance

Posted on 29. Dec. 2007 - 02:28

Dear teus

As per your mail u hve asked for various parameters whether is matching or not, sir lets forget about their parameters as they are new to this system and perhabs may not be able to match all our input design paparemeter

But my worry is

In their system conveying time is 120sec and length of conveying is probably not more than 100Mtr . Now since velocity of conveying is 3m/s , they must have the distance of conveying 3x120=360mtr which is not there

wat would be the effect on the system if situation comes out to be like this ie if distance of conveying is much lesser rather it require more as per our design.




Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 29. Dec. 2007 - 04:22

Dear Rahul,

If a built system does not perform as expected, there can be a variety of reasons.

Are the conveyed material conveying properties the same as the material conveying properties that are used in the design?

Is the installation built as designed (Or was it designed as built?)

If the capacity of the built installation is too low, then the installation should become bigger.

Compressor size and pipe diameter are linked by the suspension velocity of the material and/or the chosen velocities and pressures.

Again: without relevant data it is not possible to make statements.

best regards


PS: As this thread is about 2-stage screw compressors it is better to create a new thread with your question about the pneumatic ash conveying installation


Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 30. Dec. 2007 - 02:11

Originally posted by syachah

Our plant is using ZT-37 Atlas copco Oil free rotary tooth air compressor.We have been using this air compressor almost 4 years.Recently The compressor was suffered with element-1 oulet ( temperature after Lp elemet) and Element-2 inlet ( temperature after intercooler ) is abnormal ( the temperature is higher than the range.)

Prior to that, i cleaned the intercooler and aftercooler from dust and dirts.But the problem still happen again.

My question is , why this problem happen and what is the main cause of this problem.? second question is, how to carry out the counter measure in order to prevent or reduce the losses of air flowrate?

I hope , somebody can explain and help me in order to solve this problem.

Thank you.




To add to what valuable information my dear freind Teus has given to you:

You shold strongly consider and hastily change the cooling radiators in your air compressor system in due haste as the radiators may be and most likely are plugged from oil sludge;

if not you risk the definet possibility of an exploding air compressor system due to internal blockage in the coolers.

Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 30. Dec. 2007 - 05:20

Dear Syachah, Hello Leon,

A blocked intermediate cooler at the pressure side can cause indeed a considerable pressure rise at the inlet of the cooler and thereby a temperature rize.

Also the pressure drop over the cooler increases.

That is why I asked for pressure readings in my previous replies.

But, being a little bit experienced with AC compressors, I am almost certain that the ELRKTRIKON control display would monitor that as an alarm. And it should be also possible to read the required information from that display (Although it might need some complicated scrolling).

How the cooler could be contaminated inside with clean and oil free air and inlet filters is another issue .

have a nice day


(not verified)

Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 31. Dec. 2007 - 07:23

Dear Teus, hello izaharis

You mentioned that, the screw compressor consists of 2 rotors screw.

Is it the rotor screw is designed in series and parallel?Meaning that :

1) for series design of rotor , the 1 st stage and 2nd stage rotor is related to each other ( atlas copco design).If one of the rotor brokedown , the whole system connot be use, and need replacement of new rotor.

2)for parallel design , the rotor is independent of each other.If one of rotor totaly worn out , the other rotor still can running and supply the compressed air.

For item No.1 the 1 stage rotor build up the pressure from 0-3.5 bar and second stage rotor buildup the pressure from 3.6 bar - 7.5 bar.In case of some problem happen to any of this rotor, it will affects the whole system of compression.

For item No.2 each rotor can build pressure from 0-8 bar.

I just want to confirm and share knowledge with you ,this is what i know( only a bit of knowledge) for the oil free screw compressor design.

To izaharis:

I have checked the intermediate cooler pressure , and it still within the range, The loading pressure is 2.28 bar and unloading pressure is -0.61 bar. THank for your good information.

Happy new year!

Best regards


Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 31. Dec. 2007 - 10:51

Dear syachah

If you visit the website of Atlas Copco :


href="http://www.atlascopco.com" target="blank">www.atlascopco.com

then you will find all the basic information about your oil free compressor.

The 2 compressors are designed in series ( 2-stage compression)

happy new year



atlascopcozt (JPG)


Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 2. Jan. 2008 - 07:26


Please note that by two stage compression it is meant that the compressor is doing the required compression in two stages i.e if te discharge pressure is z = x + y. Then first stage willl do x and second stage will do y. while as Sir Teus had alrady told their is some intermediate compression because of the the cooling process.


Sachin Kr. Arora

sachin arora

Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 2. Jan. 2008 - 10:37


interesting, the ZT is actually a hook and claw type compressor - not a helical screw. The overall flow and pressure situation does not change much. Since the ZT appears to be completely air cooled (discharge air and lube oil), it would seem that the trouble is related to either larger than normal air end clearances, or the interstage air cooler is still somehow plugged. The previous repliers provided you with excellent advice by recommending to review all the air pressures and temperaturs. Did you have any luck with calling AC's local service guys? Going back to the manufacturer usually provides you with the shortest route to finding root cause of a problem.

By the way, Aerzen has a oil free rotary screw solution above 60KW - but not anything to substiture this one.

Mehrer Kompressoren Germany also make oil free packages package. I believe they use GHH air ends. I did not see a rep in the Maylasia region though.

Regards, Ralf Weiser (001)-484-718-3518 [url]www.aerzenusa.com[/url]
(not verified)

Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 3. Jan. 2008 - 05:06

Dear teus ,Hello ralfweiser , sachin

I have asked the compressor supplier manager in malaysia, they not reveal their airend technology , but the airend is somewhere in germany , he said the airend design is from GMBH not GHH. Actually i also dont know what is GMBH and GHH.is it kind of compressor company?.

Their oil free compressor is very new in malaysia compare to ATlas copco. Their system is using sigle stage compresion with parallel design of rotor .They use cyclone system and reclaimer in order to remove oil content and to make the compressed air outlet more fine interm of oil content ( medical grade).

For me, it is good enough , as long as the can supply the oil free air compressor ( for food or medical grade).In malaysia we are familir with atlas copco oil free air compressor, but now , i think my plant become the first user use another brand of oil free air compressor.

Thanks for you all for the good and latest information.

Best regard


Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 3. Jan. 2008 - 04:22

Hi Syachah,

GMBH in Germany stands for something like Corporation. GHH stands for GuteHoffnungsHuette and they are part of the Ingersoll Rand brand.

They are global company and can be found under http://www.ghh-rand.com/IS/category....aspx-en-18343

As far as your intention to buy an oil flooded screw compressor is concerned, I am concerned that someone would sell you this technology as "oil free". In the compressor marketing world this has sometimes been used incorectly as normal single stage oil flooded screw compressors will still carry over around 5 ppm of oil in form of an Aerosol. This is very difficult to remove even with the best of after treatment, which also usually increases your daily operation cost - which is really where you spend the majority of your money in the service life of any compressor.

If you can tolerate some oil in your air stream your world opened up to many, many compressor manufacturers. I can recommend Boge compressors www.boge.com This company makes pretty cool machines in oil free and oil flooded designs as well.

I hope this helped a little.

Regards, Ralf Weiser (001)-484-718-3518 [url]www.aerzenusa.com[/url]

Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 3. Jan. 2008 - 06:31

Dear syachah,

GHH Rand is a manufacturer (use the internet)

GMBH is German and means “Gemeinschaft Mit Beschraenkter Haftung“ and is an enterprise form with limited responsibilities. (Ltd).

If your compressed air is used in food- or medical processes, be careful that you have sufficient prove from the supplier that his system is approved, guaranteed or even licensed.

Nobody wants an oily pill.

Take care



Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorma…

Posted on 12. Jan. 2008 - 08:06

Originally posted by syachah

Our plant is using ZT-37 Atlas copco Oil free rotary tooth air compressor.We have been using this air compressor almost 4 years.Recently The compressor was suffered with element-1 oulet ( temperature after Lp elemet) and Element-2 inlet ( temperature after intercooler ) is abnormal ( the temperature is higher than the range.)

Prior to that, i cleaned the intercooler and aftercooler from dust and dirts.But the problem still happen again.

My question is , why this problem happen and what is the main cause of this problem.? second question is, how to carry out the counter measure in order to prevent or reduce the losses of air flowrate?

I hope , somebody can explain and help me in order to solve this problem.

Thank you.




Dear Mr. Syachah,

I want to clarify what is oil free air

If the hydro carbon content in the air is less than or equivalent to 0.01 mg/m3 it is Class 1 of ISO 8573 - 1.

Even if you are using a non lube compressor, the compressor is sucking air which are having hyderocarbons in the air. It is pressurising the same air and the concentration of the hydrocarbons increases. The out let of the air is not oil free even you use a non lube compressor. Filtration system has to be used for a non lube machine

However you have completed 4 years and the air end has to be replaced. for the cost of the air end replacement you can plan for a lubricated machine with good filtration system. You can save energy and lesser maint. cost when compared to non lube.

COmpressor - Reciever - Dryer -MF- ACF you can get an air quality of 0.001 mg/m3 hydrocarbon content in the air (Which is almost zero).

If you have any quiries pls. mail me on pneumaticsolutions@gmail.com

Warm Regards


(not verified)

Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorm…

Posted on 14. Jan. 2008 - 09:21

Dear Varun

That why , i prefer to use the oil flooded rotor. Beside that , we use the food grade oil.

Thanks for your calrification.

best regards


Re: Oil Free Air Compressor Zt-37 ( Element Temperature Abnorma…

Posted on 16. Jan. 2008 - 04:54

Dear syachch,

we market Kaeser air compressors in india. Kaeser is 90 yers old german company. Kaeser is user friendly and energy efficient.

If you are interested we will send you the contact details in your area.

warm regards


Originally posted by syachah

Dear Varun

That why , i prefer to use the oil flooded rotor. Beside that , we use the food grade oil.

Thanks for your calrification.

best regards
