Re: Vvvf Drive For Pipe Conveyor
2. Over lapping of pipe conveyor in return side , is it on top or at the bottom ?
Overlap is often on the bottom of pipe shape, when the pipe belt is empty. But if You like to transport materials in return side, You need to rotate pipe belt, so overlap will be on the top. ■
Vvvf Drive In Pipe Conveyor
Dear Mr. Pawel,
Thanks for your reply. But what about my first one.
A.Banerjee ■
Re: Vvvf Drive For Pipe Conveyor
Dear all,
I understand that we need VVVF drive when we want the motor to accelerate in slow and steady manner from the set point of minimum to maximum RPMs.
This may be applicale not only for pipe conveyor but for any driven machine.
Any further thoughts?
Regards, ■
Vvfd For Pipe Conveyor
Dear A Banarjee
VVFd on pipe conveyor will help in following way
1.0 During commissioning you can run the conveyor at slow speed and train the belt
2.0 Increase motor accelaration time ( this can be achieved by fluid coupling or soft starter)
3.0 syncronise speed of multiple drives in case conveyor is having multiple drives
4.0 run the conveyor at different speeds in case handling different materials at different speeds
5.0 load sharing can be achieved in case of multiple drives
VVVF Drive for Pipe Conveyor
Dear All,
In connection to the pipe conveyor I have two questions in mind.
1.When we use VVVF drive in pipe conveyor?
2. Over lapping of pipe conveyor in return side , is it on top or at the bottom ?
A.Banerjee ■