A Fun Side
You could try to include a wheightometer of some sort. ■
John Gateleyjohngateley@hotmail.comwww.the-credible-bulk.com
Pipe Belt Instrumentation
In Addition, You Need:
Plugged Pipe @ Load Station - Shutdown
Seam Rotation - Warning & Shutdown - big problem if moving material in two directions on top & bottom strands - no spillage allowed
Side Travel Monitor@ Head Discharge - Warning & Shutdown
Take-up Overtravel - Warning & Shutdown - Too Long & Too Short
All the standards:
Motor Current Overload, Bearing Heating & Vibration
Motor Load Sharing Imbalance - Warning - pulley material buildup or pulley lagging failure
Reducer Oil Flow, Heating, Vibration
Pulley Pillowblock Bearing Heating & Vibration
Return Strand Spillage Control at Head Discharge - transitiioning back to pipe
Pulley Cover Wear - outer belt cover wear due to mal-adjusted pulley alignment, mal-adjusted idler alignment
Others can do more: ■
Re: Instrumentation For Pipe Conveyors
You are right Mr. Lawrence. Here you can use plugged pipe, seam rotation, side travel monitor and some more important products. Expect of this there are no more instruments for pipe conveyors. As we all know Pipe conveyors are an environmental friendly solution for conveying bulk material with zero spillage and ability to cover terrain difficult to negotiate by conventional conveyors. So it’s necessary to use right instruments for this. ■
Pipe Conveyor Problems
Common problems in pipe conveyors are
1.0Not selecting proper belt and belt manufacturer.
2.0Motor is short of power
3.0Pipe conveyor pulley failure
4.0Pipe conveyor belt skewing
5.0Pipe not opening at head pulley
Following precautions are to be considered while installing a New pipe conveyor
1.0Pipe conveyor expert should be involved in design of pipe conveyor
2.0Only experienced belt manufacturer to be selected for pipe conveyor belt
3.0Belt Selection is very very important. Most important is belt rigidity / Belt troughablity . If belt is not selected properly pipe formation will not be proper and conveyor may require abnormal power
4.0Motor shall have sufficient margin to cater for new Belt rigidity
5.0Belt profile should be very carefully selected considering proper horizontal and vertical curves considering pipe diameter, belt tension and belt rigidity
6.0Transition distances for pipe formation should be properly designed based on type of belt , tension rating and pipe diameter
7.0Idler diameter and spacing should be properly selected
8.0While selecting pulley shaft diameter higher shaft sizes to be selected to cater for higher tension rating due to stiff belts and higher motor ratings
9.0Fabrication and erection of conveyor Galleries and idler supporting structure should be very accurate particularly at curve portions.
10.0During commissioning alignment of idlers and pulleys is very important ■
Instrumentation For Pipe Conveyors
Most important sensor in pipe conveyor is providing a sensor before pipe formation which can detect overloading of material / bigger lumps and stop the conveyor before reaching the overloaded material to pipe formation zone .
In pipe conveyor we cannot overload the conveyor as well as lumps bigger than recommended size can not be transported . ■
Instrumentation for Pipe Conveyors
What are the correct instruments to consider for a pipe conveyors:
Zero Speed Detector
Plugged chute detector
Belt Rip Detector??
Monitoring System?(embedded sensors?)
Regards, ■