Dear Mr. diaz Acosta:
You could consider installing electro magnets in the chute (away from the train). Position one or more magnets so that the copper runs over them (shielding the magnets with 1/2 inch thick UHMW pe would protect them). The magnets would collect any tramp iron, while allowing the copper to pass. You would also need to arrange a cleaning method or alarm system to ensure that any trapped iron is cleared.
You can contact a magnet manufacturer, such as Eriez, to give and receive specific information.
Hope this helps, ■
Dear Mr.Diaz Acosta
Are you unloading the train directly on to the crusher ? If you are using a belt conveyor either while feeding on to the train or just prior to feeding on to the crusher there are various methos available for removal of Tramp Iron. You may use an overband magnetic separator, or asuspended electromagnet or a magnetic pulley. However if you are discharging directly on to the hopper the only possiblity is using electromagnets in the chute. In such case the chute should be of non magentic material like stainless steel.
Thanks and Regards
P K Venugopalan ■
Dir sirs,
I do really expect this mail result useful to the copper concentrator plant where I work.
We have a problem:
Trains coming from the Open Pit Mine discharge coarse mineral to a Primary Crusher (3,500tph). Mineral Size: around 19 inch.
Our problem: how to detect ferrous metal bars coming together with the coarse copper mineral into the train, and take them out. Ferrous bars are so big that detain the crusher.
This means dead time without production.
Take into account: train material is iron.
I´ll be very glad you can give some advice.
Felipe Diaz Acosta
Control de Procesos
Concentradora Toquepala ■