I am Capt. Jones an American Soldier. I am serving in the US Army of D Company, 2nd Battalion 22nd,Infantary Regiment, Iraq. As you know we are being attacked by insurgents everyday and car bombs. My crewmembers and I discovered $650M USD in Saddam Hussein's palace in April 2003. We managed to move away total sum US$20 Million dollars cash out from the $650M USD, mostly 100-dollar bills and was quickly flown out of the war zone and deposited with a Finance firm in Spain through a financial agent. You can click on the site below for more details about the funds.
I therefore seek your partnership and will give you further information when I receive your mail. Please contact me via my email: adjonesnal@yahoo.co.in
Jones ■
Statistic of isotank
We are establishing a new company in isotank services and maintanence in our country.
However, we are wondering if anyone could provide us the statistic or amount of isotank movement within the region of south east asia particularly Malaysia.
We would be very grateful if anyone out there could provide us the information.
akaikel ■