Reliable High Level Alarm For Flyash
We can recommend the CLS300 for proven high level detection on flyash.
Please navigate to https://pia.khe.siemens.com/index.asp?Nr=4926 for more details.
Regards ■
Reliable Level Switch For Fly Ash Silo
For a reliable „high level“ detection of fly ashes, I recommend to measure with our rotating paddle level switch MaihakMBA 200. This electro mechanical measurement has been approved in this application for many times:
- proven in many fly aches applications
- reliable measurement
- even for high temperatures
- product touched parts are made of stainless steel
- fair price
Please contact:
Frank Wengler
Tel: +49 40 27894 312
Tax: +49 40 27894 362
Link to the product:
http://www.sick-maihak.com/sickmaiha...mba200/en.html ■
Fly Ash Silo High Level Detection
United Conveyor Corporation (UCC) typically provides rotating, paddle type material sensors for high level detection in fly ash silos. We have used such sensors for the past 30 years or more, and have found them to be very reliable in this application.
For further information, please contact me at jasonkaull@unitedconveyor.com. ■
Re: Reliable Fly Ash Silo Level Switch
There are a number of technologies you can try with the following tips. I will leave out the RF Capacitance sensors because you say they don't work in your silo.
Electromechanical rotating paddle switch - lowest cost but may have to be replaced if material loading shock damages the vanes.
Single rod vibrating sensor - Low cost, reliable in most powders when not fluidised.
Double rod or fork vibrating sensor - Excellent reliability but may switch if the material is very sticky and clogs the forks
Non contact microwave switch - Most expensive but most reliable being mounted outside the silo. The only draw back is you will have to install viewing windows (perspex or plastic or crystal glass for high temperature) in your silo because the microwave will not penetrate the steel walls.
Check out the Level switch section on the Endress+Hauser web site for details of each product and the nearest sales office to you
Andrew Reese
Mining, Aggregates & Cement Manager ■
Reliable Fly Ash Silo Level Switch
As a company involved in this application we can offer our product. You need the MP8/E/DA1.
Contact info@hawker-electronics.co.uk for further information ■
Re: Reliable Fly Ash Silo Level Switch
This is a perfect application for our Digimatic level probe. It has built in build up compensation to eliminate the effect of material adhering to the probe which may be the cause of the problem in this case.
We have supplied many probes for this application with complete success
Adrian Morris
Synatel Instrumentation Ltd
www.synatel.co.uk ■
Re: Reliable Fly Ash Silo Level Switch
I have good experiences with capacitive levelsensors in cement and flyash made by VEGA
Search for www.vega.com
good luck ■
Re: Reliable Fly Ash Silo Level Switch
Dear sir :
Please we can felp you for technical solving problem..
Visit our site : www.medcosy.com ■
Reliable Fly Ash Silo Level Switch
Dear devil7801,
a good part for a high level switch is the RAMSEY Mercury Free Tilt-Sensor. You need the float ball option for fly ash.
Follow the link for more details: http://www.thermo.com/com/cda/produc...138045,00.html.
Best Regards
Christoph Dubbert ■
Re: Reliable Fly Ash Silo Level Switch
Another option is, if your silo is not too big, is load cells on you silo base. Program in know weight of product or products and set scales to tell you how full your silo is. No sensors in product and no moving parts. ■
Re: Reliable Fly Ash Silo Level Switch
Hello, Why you don't use a volume measuring system for fly-ash.
We supply non contacting 3D volume/level systems for silo's up to 70 mtrs.
visit: www.apm-solutions.com/mediakit
Best regards,
naud@apm-solutions.com ■
Re: Reliable Fly Ash Silo Level Switch
Fly-ash is not so easy, so if you spend some monye go for the total solution,including volume and visualisation of your silo.
Please look at : www.apm-solutions.com/mediakit and see the future for dry bulk silo's measuring and inventory control.
For questions: naud@apm-solutions.com ■
Reliable fly ash silo level switch
I am searching for a reliable kevel switch that can be installed in our fly ash silo for annunciating HIGH LEVEL. We are facing various problems with our existing RF type level switches. ■