Re: Forged Chain Links Required
we are a supplier of such forged links to various kinds of industry. Pls send us your detailed enquiries.
Frank Kuebler
www.inter-industries.de ■
Re: Forged Chain Links Required
Dear Sir,
Please let us have your conveyor layout along with the temparature of the material to be conveyed, which will enable us to submit our offer for the same.
Rakesh Jaiswal
E-mail : industrialchain@eth.net ■
Re: Forged Chain Links Required
Please send us an sketch of your enquirement.
Best regards ■
Forged Chain Links
Redler is the originator of the drop forged chain for use within the Redler En Masse conveyors and elevators.
We are happy to discuss your requirements.
Please advise
configuration of machine ■
Forged Chain Links Required
Dear Sirs
we are supplier of drag chain conveyors and components
as the forged chain links you are looking for.
Please visit our web site : www.gambarotta.it for
more informations .
Please let us know if your inquiry is still actual and we will be
very interested in sending you an offer.
Best regards
Technical manager
Gambarotta Gschwendt Gmbh
Viale Verona 200
38100 Trento - Italy
E mail :fgambarotta@gambarotta.it ■
Forged Chains
dear sir,
we have long experience in such materials , please send us your formal inq. along with the drawings to our e-mail address below & we will quote you as soon as possible ■
Drop Forged Chains
Dear Sir,
We are a manufacturing company from St.Petersburg, Russia.
Here we manufacture drop-forged chains ourselves. Today we forge more then
30 link types out of 20MnCr5, 42CrMo4, C45, C15. Pitch 102, 142, 160, 200,
216, 250mm. Also produce pins out of 16MnCr5 and X40Cr13 with the inductive
hardening surface. Export it to Germany and Finland.
We also have all the needed equipment for making the flights, welding and
assembling the chains.
Please visit our website for more information.
Best regards.
Yuri Kalinin
Sales Director
KB Conveyor
Galernaya Str.11 office 15
St.Petersburg, Russia
Tel/Fax + 7 812 325 96 82
Tel. direct +7 812 973 93 54
www.kbconveyor.com ■
Drop Forged Chains
Alloy Forge (An ISO 9001:2000 Company) introduce as a Manufacturer & Exporters of DROP FORGED CHAIN LINKS.
From:- Pitch-101.6, Pitch-102, Pitch-142, Pitch-150 , Pitch-160, Pitch-200. in material 20MnCr5, 16MnCr5, 42CrMo4, C 45 etc.
(Differet materials on request) We are also producing Pins & Cirlips.
If you are interested in our product, Please reply we will send you our complete catalogue with dimensions and material specifications.
Wenn Sie an unserem Produkt interessiert sind, Bitte Antwort schicken wir Ihnen unseren kompletten Katalog mit Maßen und Materialanweisungen
Si vous tes intress par notre produit, rpondez-svp nous vous enverra notre catalogue complet avec des dimensions et des caractristiques matrielles
We can also supply the Forged chain links according to your specific drawings or samples.
To Know us better, Kindly visit us at : www.alloyforge.com
We started our first Operations way back in 1965. Presently We have 5 different manufacturing units (Division of Gupta Group of Industries) and
Our well-qualified and enthusiastic staff approximate 400 persons encourage not only in the development but they make a very good contribution
to the quality.
We presently supply to Europe (France-Italy-Germany-Spain-Poland-Finland), Canada, U.S.A, United Kingdom (U.K), Morocco &
Middle East countries.
In house Chemical and Physical Lab ( For all incoming and outgoing material inspection)
Own Forging Units ( To Control the Dimensions and Timely Delivery )
In house Normalizing ( To maintain the Grain Structure for heat treatment for better Breaking load(kN) )
In house Machining (To maintain the Dimensions and maintain the quality )
Offering your Marking(Stamp) or Trade Mark on Drop Forged Chain Links.
*Till Date 0% Complaint in Forged Chain Link (Machined & Heat Treated)
Looking forward to hear from you soon
ALLOY FORGE http://www.alloyforge.com
E-143, Phase IV, Focal Point, contact@alloyforge.com
Ludhiana, Punjab -
Tel.: +91 - 161 - 5016371, 5082843.
Fax: +91 - 161 - 5097890, 5050284, 5022871,
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Drop Forged Chain
We are leading manufacturer and exporter of DROP FORGED ITEMS
From:- Pitch-101.6, Pitch-102, Pitch-142, Pitch-150 , Pitch-160, Pitch-200. in material 20MnCr5, 16MnCr5, 42CrMo4, C 45 etc.
(Differet materials on request) We are also producing Pins & Cirlips.
If you are interested in our product, Please reply we will send you our complete catalogue with dimensions and material specifications.
Looking forward to hear from you soon
ALLOY FORGE http://www.alloyforge.com
E-143, Phase IV, Focal Point, contact@alloyforge.com
Ludhiana, Punjab -
Tel.: +91 - 161 - 5016371, 5082843.
Fax: +91 - 161 - 5097890, 5050284, 5022871,
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ■
Forged Chain Links Required
Dear Sir,
We have requirement of forged chain links. The details are as follows:
1) Chain Pitch: 142 mm (single strand / double strand)
2) Breaking Strength: 23,000 kg. (minimum)
3) Quantity: 2200 nos.
4) Material Handled: Dry concentrate/Wet concentrate/’Flux in copper
smelter plant.
We request you to give us references of supplies in past for similar applications in Copper Smelter Plant.
Matter Most Urgent
mecpengg@pn2.vsnl.net.in ■