Drum Motors Posted in: Forums » News from the Industry » New Projects, Tenders, Inquiries , on 24. Jun. 2002 - 14:18 We are working on a project which requires two units of Drum Motorswith the following specifications:Motorised Drum 415 mm dia x 750 mm withPower 7.5 kw x 415V 3 phase 50 Hz Belt speed 35 m/min c/w mounting brackets.Preferred Make: JOKI or equivalent.Thanks for your assistance.Regards,S. K. LohLaju Carbon ProductsShah Alam 40350Malaysialajucarbon@maxis.net.my ■
Drum Motors
We are working on a project which requires two units of Drum Motors
with the following specifications:
Motorised Drum 415 mm dia x 750 mm with
Power 7.5 kw x 415V 3 phase 50 Hz
Belt speed 35 m/min c/w mounting brackets.
Preferred Make: JOKI or equivalent.
Thanks for your assistance.
S. K. Loh
Laju Carbon Products
Shah Alam 40350
lajucarbon@maxis.net.my ■