Re: Bulk Transport Of Soda Ash
Dear Mr. Waleed Hussain,
From your information, it is not quite clear what your question is about.
Is it about loading a bulk truck?
12. Loading and unloading arrangement existing. = Bag Packing machines
If you can load a bag packing machine, you should be able to load a bulktruck.
6. Transportation distance (To and fro) = Approximately 50 ft
7. Bulker Height = 14 ft
A transport distance of approx. 20m does not seem to justify the investment of a pneumatic conveying system.
A mechanical silo unloading system, to load a bulk truck seems more appropriate.
Conclusion: more logistic information is needed.
Have a nice day ■
Re: Bulk Transport Of Soda Ash
Dear Mr. Teus,
Thank you for your reply.
My question was about whether it is better to convey mechanically or pneumatically. Moreover, whether air might affect the quality of Soda Ash.
Due to limited area, we are not able to put up a new silo for truck loading.
Further, the bag packing machine is located inside the warehouse and the truck will have to be parked outside the warehouse.
During my research I have also come across tubular disc chain conveyors. Could this be a viable option?
Waleed ■
Re: Bulk Transport Of Soda Ash
Dear Mr. Waleed,
In principle, both methods (mechanically or pneumatically) are possible.
As I already said: “A mechanical system, to load a bulk truck, seems more appropriate.”
This, because of the short distance.
For your project, you must have some data available:
-From where is the Soda Ash coming and what are the feeding possibilities into the transporting system?
-What is the required loading rate? (For a 40 tons bulk truck, approx. 100 tons/hr)
-What are the obstructions between feeding point and bulk truck?
Selecting a conveying system should be based on conveying rate, investment, operation/maintenance cost and yearly tonnage.
Therefore, the various options should be roughly designed and evaluated.
A tubular disc chain conveyor could well be a viable option.
Moreover, whether air might affect the quality of Soda Ash
Using an oil-filled screw compressor with a refrigeration drier will solve the condensation problem.
As far as I know, soda ash does not react with dry air.
Since you have a bag packing machine, you can unload 40 bags of 2 tons each into the 2 bulk trucks each day.
If each bag takes 5 minutes, this will mean 4 hrs work per day.
Have a nice day ■
Stick With Bags.
Soda ash is fiercely hygroscopic. Any moisture would be disastrous. Forty tonne payloads over rough roads is also asking for trouble. Are their any laws in Pakistan relating to gross vehicle weight? If you convey pneumatically you will entrain air in the powder and thus increase the required tanker space. This air might or might not separate out as the violent journey progresses. Using a refrigeration drier might help a little bit but what size of vehicle are you talking about in reality. How would you power a screw compressor from a truck PTO? Come on.
Invest in a couple of forklifts and do the job properly, like TT hints. ■
John Gateleyjohngateley@hotmail.comwww.the-credible-bulk.com
Bulk Transport of Soda Ash
Hello All,
I am currently working with ICI Pakistan, Soda Ash manufacturing in Lahore, Pakistan and am working on a project to modify our product delivery system to a bulk loading model and wanted to get some help online.
Currently we have bag packing machines, however, we want to deliver 80 tons of Dense Soda Ash (Na2CO3) to one customer on a daily basis.
Our objective is to measure the exact amount of Soda Ash being loaded into a truck and then unload it at the customer's silo.
I would like to know if you recommend pneumatic or mechanical conveying into the bulker truck. Will the pneumatic air increase the moisture content and degrade the quality of Soda Ash?
Below is a little bit of information that might be useful:
1.Material to be handled: Dense Soda Ash
2.Bulk Density: 1 ton/m3
3.Particle Size: 150 micro m
4.Moisture content: <1%
5.Temperature ( deg C ) = 30C
6.Transportation distance (To and fro) = Approximately 50 ft
7.Bulker Height = 14 ft
8.General road condition = Poor
9.Material Quantity per shift / per day. = 80 tons
10.Proposed Prime Mover to be used = To be decided
11.Approximate tonnage to be carried each time = 40 Tons in each bulker
12.Loading and unloading arrangement existing. = Bag Packing machines
Please feel free to email me and let me know further information required by you.
EMAIL: waleed.hussain@ici.com.pk
Waleed Hussain
Assistant Manager Development
Technical Department
Soda Ash Business
ICI Pakistan ■