Vacuum Technology Sucks!
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18. Oct. 2014 - 03:11
Most of the airflow will disappear through 1st point and any other opening will receive much less. If you're going to have 5 points then you need 5 balanced lines or else 5 variable adjustable sonic nozzles to control the flow. But the nozzle will wear and need constant calibration. In filter baghouses when a bag rots or rips then most of the air dashes through the opening. Your situation is the same. ■
Flow Distribution in a Vacuum Line
hi, I am new to this field. I want to calculate the flow distribution in a vacuum vacuum line having 5 openings @50mm dia and the header line is 80mm dia. each opening has 5meter distance. my vacuum system having suction of 3000mmH2O and 600m3/hr airflow. I am going to work with 2 points at a time. I am going to open 1st & 5th point. what will be the vacuum and airflow at 1st & 5th point. and how can I calculate it. is there any theoretical formula or method to calculate it, please guide me..... thank you..... ■