Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 21. Oct. 2008 - 10:47

That is like asking who will win the first gold medal in the next olympics. No one can possibly predict that - all responces would be clearly speculation only.

It also depends on the area of the world you are in. Not all areas are actually in a recession.

US is in a mild recession. Canada is nearing a mild recession.

I am crossing my fingers as I now will need to work an extra 5 years to make up what I lost in the last 3 months.

It may very well take a long time to recover from this major downturn. But how long depends on those that pulled their fortunes out of the markets and are waiting to see how low it will go before they get back in.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 22. Oct. 2008 - 05:34


I calculate it to last seven months and two days.

But then again, if I change one of the variables, I get four point three times this length of time.

One thing is for sure though, it will end at twenty past four (GMT)


LSL Tekpro

Graham Spriggs

Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 23. Oct. 2008 - 05:31


You are behind the time. Look ahead beyond the fog. See clearly and you will find its a quarter past sometime in RSA.

We can all make a difference by going to our favorite dream and making that big purchase. When you awake, all will be saved, your dream comes true, and you can ask the next important question of how to pay for it.

Viva el tinto.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 23. Oct. 2008 - 01:40

Greeting & Salutation...............

In my view its hard to predict anything at this point of time. Any prognosis, may be (-)ve or (+)ve could take u in wrong direction. well back to home , to have some good news (ie market recover) is something which depends on confidence of each individual in market.

Iam watching the cue of market daily , if you see the take-up of market it start at spur level with some short covering but end of the day it gets fall.THis fluctuation is keep hapening in this fashion for last immense of days. Well i would point over to the lack of confidence of people towards hightning of global uncertainity.

Indian market which is isolated from the impact of global is too getting their market erosioned. I dont no why people are withdrawing their shares. Rather they should invest in this weekend market, having the confidance in mind that this will ultimately going to warm their packet in forthcomning period

So thums-up for the upcoming good news in market and fuel-up your investment in market to lubricate the market gear.


Rahul Chaubey


Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 23. Oct. 2008 - 02:30

Medias & rumors are exaggerating the issues, what I feel.

(not verified)


Erstellt am 24. Oct. 2008 - 04:43

It may be 20 past or four past something somewhere. I love this recession, because the reality is coming to fore.

Some idiots called themselves financial experts and were giving value to countries?? and telling head of countries that they dont know how to manage their finances??

Where are they now?? bankrupt. So now the reality of valuing other countries by some egoist mule is over.

Share values, oil prices, commodities - all were of inflated value and now coming to real sense

I want this to continue for another 10-18 months so that paper tigers and balloon goliaths lose their airs and land flat.

So till values come to real sense, let it continue.

Best wishes,


The Effect Of Financial Crisis To The Material Handling Industry

Erstellt am 25. Oct. 2008 - 04:44

Dear Sirs,

There is booming market and there must be recession market ,that's rule for the market.

Generally in recession market, the consumer goods will runs down in demands, the more recession is on the industry goods, that is because, the recession effect on the investment is more than consumer expenditure.

And the handle material is mainly in the area of industry goods, I am sure it will be highly effected by recession.

At this time, every one have different ideas of the recession, that may may be on the basis of different counstry, or different detailed industry, anyway, the recession is the the right adjustment for the global market.

I guess that may takes more than 3 years to re-come to right way for the material handling industry.

Waiting for different comments about the item.


Swall Belting Inc.

(not verified)

Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 27. Oct. 2008 - 01:42

I would say we are in it for not less than six months. The only way to get out is to drive for more investment.


Mining Industry Directory

New Comments About The Recession Rate?

Erstellt am 4. Jan. 2009 - 09:27

The recession is comming to the ice point in the new year comming of 2009.

New comments about the recession, it may be more than most people expect.

maybe , 3 years more lasting.


Swall Belting Inc.

Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 5. Jan. 2009 - 10:17

Dear Luke


This sounds like this recession will have its long conveying length and perhabs will have its horror attack allover the world. Continuing to your persepective iam bid not convinced that how come this will have its impact for a such a long strechibility. I dont no at what basis you are scaling it having this kind of prognosis view of recession. At this point of time it is desired to have a concrete reason, as there is a divided opinion about this recession and had a different approach to get some CUE.




Great Recession Chain

Erstellt am 7. Jan. 2009 - 04:19
Quote Originally Posted by gudduView Post
Dear Luke


This sounds like this recession will have its long conveying length and perhabs will have its horror attack allover the world. Continuing to your persepective iam bid not convinced that how come this will have its impact for a such a long strechibility. I dont no at what basis you are scaling it having this kind of prognosis view of recession. At this point of time it is desired to have a concrete reason, as there is a divided opinion about this recession and had a different approach to get some CUE.



Hello Rahul, Hello everyone,

I am sales, in general it's a sensitive factor in the economic area, it reflects the trend of economy in advance. One of the key trade factor of China, is the monthly trade of China in November 2008(the last year) is negetive in growing;

The fist recession chain is the financial company break down of US and Europe, that casues the consumption down of these countries, which is just the key growing factor of the recent years, the booming consumption causes the booming production, the booming production causes the raw material booming. the first chain is break, we can see the condition from some news in the head of newspaper.

The second recession chain is the the the consumption breakdown causes the production breakdown, we can see the point from the biggest production company in some areas, the Ford, GM motor,Toyata, it do not need to say so many so many small production companies.

The third chain is the raw material production breakdown, it is proves by the production amount of the Riotino ,CVRD etc. the great price down of the crude oil is another face of the recession.

For bulk conveying industry, it is mostly concerns about the raw material production and the production area, the first energy to grow is from the consumption growing, from the point of beginning of 2009, it's hard to say the consumption will come to rebound.

it come back to the optimistic circle(all the area is growing) takes 3 years is not fake conculusion.


Swall Belting Inc.


Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 7. Jan. 2009 - 05:49

Dear Luke


You are concretely right to express your perspective. But i will slightly differ to your take-on in the sense. Fundamentally your first chain was only the culprit of this recession cloud. Look once the First link of chain experience to have any uncertainity it fill have its multiply effect on connected link. Surprissengly any fiscal stumulate didnt proven to stimulate the economy inspite continues wave of stimulas. I dont now hou global entity are reacting to stimulas. but in india we woes with the stimulas being injected , bcaz the same has to experience with lot of stem contraint, than we have a election coming in coulple of week which could play any political football in stimulas.Entirity of my view is to focus on we are being dragged into the same situation of 1980s where we didnt had any actionable fuel to hasten our economy towards impeccable move, well its a wait and watch situation. But again you are predicting the same situation to 3 year , i dont know on what concrete benchmark and cyclic pattern you had worked out fo the figure,but this will really hammer-out the confidence among the people and a country as a whole

Thnx for your generosity



Concrete Fact

Erstellt am 7. Jan. 2009 - 07:28

Dear Rahul,

Good day!

Your reply give me pressure on the key figure I can take out to support my idea, so first I want to make out my idea clear as follows:

3 years recession in my idea is the gloal economy stagnant or slightly back up ,which is a big difference from the great depresstion like 1929-1933, we may call that terrible time as crisis time, in that time the economy encounters great strike and goes down obviously each year. however for the time of 2009, it won't looks so terrible like that time(1929-1933) from the view of recent economy figure.

Why three years, frankly I can not give the specific economic figure or other concrete fact or circle to define the number "3", I bring forward my idea as the basic economic condition and the history, one key factor now is not very optimistic that the super big company makes most profit of the total global market in the last two years, it's not a good phenomena , it's hard to say the direct effect of the the phenomena, the logic reasoning is that causes unbalanced company earning and unbalanced person earning, it's a key recession factor.

The other key factor is the consumption, the consumption have get negative effect from the less production and less trade, there is no concrete signal to indenfy the turn point is comming, the consumption is still on the down way. at the point of 2009 January.

The recession time is estimated figure which comes out from the brain, the actual fact is the sole standard for our idea,maybe in the Dec 2009, we can say you may be right or your are totally wrong.

As a business person, I do not expect and do not like the recession, I also hope the politician can focus on economy not only on political benefit.

Best regards,


Swall Belting Inc.


Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 7. Jan. 2009 - 02:57

Dear Luke

Good talking to you

You had prognosised the time scale of recession on basis of eco condition what you had experienced in your entire life. I am very much with you , but when it comes to time period what you had justified this something force me to feel beyond the doubt rather i have mountable reason to believe it. It is right to say that we could not see any U-Turn in confidence and significant support . To concern over global condn i think one should take activation velocity of monetry measure being taken and it is rather extreme important , idont know upto what extent tjis is being taken.

Look there would be a divided and bulk opinion of time period from different expert , but when it comes to practicality it gives some different fact.



Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 8. Jan. 2009 - 04:36

Dear Rahul,

Many thanks for your idea.

It is valuable to me, it makes me to think it deeper and I'd like to bring forward some valuable suggest for the NO good time.Unfortunately, it's really hard task.

As an entrepreneur once said"it's hard to say where is the bottom of the recession untill the next business trend(a great amount profitable trend) come out", I understand the saying, before there is new industry or an old industry, which includes lots companies to earn plenty profit, the profit is easy to identify and easy to say as a looker-on, it's the beginning of the next business up circle.

Keynes' economy policy to implement finacial and other government means to boost or prompt the whole economy, it's easy to get good effect in 1929-1933, that is because, the Keynes' theory is the best medicine for the society in that time as the super liberalism in the society and global ecomy at that time. However in recent years, the government's implementation causes some negative effect, just as the liberalism causes great depression, too much government's implementation is also a bad idea for economy.

It's the worst season , it's also the best season , we will find more valuable things in the season, for example: friend, ideas......


Swall Belting Inc.


Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 8. Jan. 2009 - 07:56

Dear Luke


It seems you are focussing on Keynes' theory . He tailored the theory linking the some micro level action to make Macro economics impactful towards acceptable level. He had collectively approach to influence the macro by having some monetry and fiscal stimulas to stimulate the economics . Fundamentally all financial govt wheether global or domestic adopt the same practice to equip the monetry action into the macro level. Good this gives the patternistic approach, well decisively it is right also. Its not that govt are not opting for the fiscal stimulas rather they are doing there best. In 1923 these action were with different pace and now a days we have very systematic and extreme pacebility in our decision .

Eventually , look micro level action are key driver to get on stimulation , but with what pace it is being implemented is something concern area and a chief problem to cope with the voltability. Iam inclined to believe you saying there was some unprecendented liberalism move by givt, but suring to that we have more patternized and fascinatized coarse of action to implement.Rather i would compare apple to apple not apple to orange. We will soon get some relief and thats the one thing iam oretty sure off. Its not that govt willingness and ability are quistion mark , i saw a accelerated fraction of move from global govt.

Letus hope for the best, is additional sentence i want to say

rahul chaubey


The Same Window For The Sight

Erstellt am 8. Jan. 2009 - 09:07

Dear Rahul chaubey,

Good afternnon.

About Keynes' theory , we regard it as plan economy in some aspect, which is reverse mode comparing liberalism economy or call abosolutely marketing economy, I am in different country the economy condition is different largely.

There should not be just the same policy for the whole world, it should not be the same, unfortunately, most countries are goes the same way. I am sure there is an un-touch wisdom for the world, we can see a market case: when one product's price is higher than other similar kinds, for example the apple, and the people will try to produce more apple, the next year maybe the person who produce apple makes money too, however,maybe three years later, the apple becomes very cheap, lots person who come to the apple industry will burden the loss. of course we can make lots more conclusion from the simple case, this way I just say, what we see now is not always effective as it looks or it's effects before.

The government's policy ,in my idea, is not that effective as in the theory, that's one point.

I abosolutely agree your idea "micro level action are key driver to get on stimulation ", it's very important to push the individul to try to use intelligence to create , manufacture and produce, just single machinery and mechanism can not improve the economy or social society, if without intelligent person to take part in.

You are optimistic, I am pessimistic , it may just the same window , the difference

is just we look the different way through the window. It's the same truth, the same fact , however, different idea.

For sure let's hope the best, any way, it's one of the best years the human go accross, at least there is no big wars.


Swall Belting Inc.


Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 12. Jan. 2009 - 03:06

Dear Luke


Perhabs iam in right direction to be optimist. Your view is impeccable, but what appears to me is that there is no stuff to be permisstic, why bcaz i alreday enlightened you that , now the entire things cannot be compare with the consequences and length of this recession cloud, Look my accentuation is towards what you pictured out ie keneys theory. You braught a light on apple concepts, perhabs i may agree with you , provided the situation should concrete the same platform for you and me. Iam not pretty much optimist, i can feel the heat of recession, but this time recession have lots of bearing to pass on. Point is there are innumerable sectors which are doing well , and whispering pertinent profit. All things put to gateher we can conclude that this would not have that much effect as we are predicting it to be, and thats quite obvious. . I think we should take all key barometer which plays prominent role in Macro economics, GDP,INFLATION,EMPLOYMENT ETC. Out of these i think inflation have there descent move towards downward bcaz of crude oil deepness. Recession is a function of uncertainity in Macro pictures, but here you have the inflation to soften-out the recession number. On top of that you cannot avoid latent demand of developing countries.

Thanx for your generaosity, that gaves me immense of knowledge

Rahul chaubey

(not verified)

Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 23. Jan. 2009 - 08:16

It is very useful information to some extent. Please help me out regarding this topic going on. Can some one tell me in detail to what exact direction discussion is going on now?


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Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 31. Jan. 2009 - 09:43

This is another one of those topics which is much less interesting than watching paint dry.

Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 4. Feb. 2009 - 02:24

I think 2 years. Because the government of many coutries have took many ways.

Not Optimistic Condition About Developing Countries

Erstellt am 5. Feb. 2009 - 03:32

Dear All, Hello Rahul chaubey,

From the action of politician of varieties countries, the crisis looks to be over very soon. The government pay for the goods and to take money to build big projects to make the economy face beautiful, a better GDP or labor rate etc. Unfortuntely, government actions only benefits very few person or company, it can not revise the total economy trend.

As we know the crisis is comming from the Developed countries , at start from USA, and then Europe and Asia etc. so it will take more time to recover for the developed countries for a common view, it's a idea for sure.

Lots people hope the developing countries may support the world economy, I want to say it can not work in actual condition.

First I want to say what is crisis, I learn from the book is as follows:

The supply is much more than demand, the demand means who have the eager and ability to Consume.

Remark:The ability is more important than consume eager in some extent.

The developing country entounters problem is more seriously than developed countries. Why say it?

That is because we if the base reason for a economy crisis is the demand less than production(supply), so the crisis should happened in developing countries instead of developed countries, as the developing countries produces more products for exporting to developed countries and now the developed countries have partly stopped the importation. the extra production happens in developing countries not developed countries.

so why it happens in developed countries, that''s a wrong illusion, actually the developing countries have burdened more pressed than the people in developed countries, For example in USA, I do not look one report that one have no lunch,even there is so many big companies bancrupted. However its easy to find in developing countries if so many people stay in city at least in China, so lots worker stay farm, I just want to say it''s different comparation about the developing countries and developed countries for the economy crisis.

If we say 2008 it''s a crisis year for developed countries, then I can predict the 2009 will be a crisis year for developing countries.

I also accept that there is no big down trend for the total economy, and to step a good business circle will takes time, that may be happens in 2011 or later more.


swall belting inc.


Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 10. Feb. 2009 - 06:51

Dear Luke

How are you

Firstly in response to your outlined matter enlightning that after developed countries its a turn of devoloping contries. Demand is farely regarded as a engine of economics . You are right to say that devoloping countries may give some fraction of support to developed in the sense as eg in india we are stringently addressing the crisis and taking all proactive action to stimulate the economical condition of country. There is a divided measure being deployed by other developing countries as well . I have reason to give support top my view bcaz we cannot compare the trajectory growth of all developing countries in a single room. Fundamentally they have another favourable and toxic gases to be considered. Presumably India and china having its concrete and ample population will able to sustain its latent demand. Rather in india i wouldnt say its recession , its a dent on our economical driver which stem them to have furthur growth as expected . Like wise other countries are also taking multy strategy approach to stabalize and revive their economical condition.

Now prognosising to US and global eco, Govt are taking all that corrective action which they have , rather they have more medicine in their basket to cure the desease. But i think notebly govt should take a action towards Equity rather than pumping the fiscal . Look all we need to change the mindframe of people to built the confidence that has been hammered. Once the confidence built rest of the things will follow the same in proactive manner. The reason why iam accentuate to highligh the stimulas towards equity bcaz if eqyuty gets increases DEBT-EQUITY ratio decreases thereby making some lubrication in bank to lend the loan . Bank do have enough money but they becomes woes it to lend specially at this situation. THis could be one panecea to have considerable approach to sustain the market.

Apparantly , Well i exuded my view perhabs i may be wrong but who knows LIFE SOMETIME THROWS CURVE BALL



6 Months! Pah!

Erstellt am 14. Feb. 2009 - 01:25

This will be the most serious economic downturn we have faced in living memory; people today have no appetite for any kind of suffering, so it will surely be all the more painful - economies don't turn on a dime, the proverbial has yet to hit the fan - we can see it coming and its getting closer hence the panic with throwing money to stimulate the economy by spending more money countries don't have today to save the politicians collective asses and everyone else from the mother of all hangovers.

It should be clearly understood that this manipulation of market forces is exactly what has created this problem in the first place. Governments have not been able to resist playing out their ham fisted "we know better" assumptions about the market in order to "fix" downturns that are a part of the process to keep markets efficient. Any time there is a little suffering, they pump money into the system to avert the hangover. This constant tinkering has lead to a massive 50 year+ bubble that has created a culture of obese, lazy and insolvent goons who think its their "right" to consume far beyond their means.

A good analogy for whats happening is to think of a drug addict. They get the high of their first hits and feel great, but the come down is met each time with more and more suffering - in order to avoid it and reach the bliss of those first, sweet hits of cheap credit and easy money they need more and more. All the time the amount of junk that needs to be put into their bodies increases. At the same time the body tries to right itself by going through the necessary comedown and withdrawal to get off the gear. Not doing so results in death of the addict through overdosing (Hyperinflation / hyper inflationary depression) or the mother of all hangovers (economic depression and falling prices / rising unemployment).

Unfortunately one of the problems with democracies is that the politicians will do what is required to please the populous, or they lose their jobs. All governments with central banking systems are doing exactly the same thing - globally coordinating massive, never before seen amounts of cheap credit into the system in order to avert the hangover. Alas, the game is up, we cannot beat gravity. There will be an increase in "positive" news, like the stock market looking better and so on, but this will be illusory and driven by sentiment that does not understand the magnitude of the problem. The increase in spending will not work, and then there will be a major systemic collapse, inflation will begin to tear apart countries that had previously been outward looking and positive about the future will become isolated and protectionist making things even worse, greatly increased chances of conflict, US Dollar collapse and a total re-engineering of the way we do things and how power is distributed in the world will result.

maybe after 5 years we get used to it - the good thing for this industry is that the prices of many bulk items will rise enormously in this period - lack of easy credit over the last 18 months has led to projects in mining, oil and gas and shipbuilding being canceled which means the future supply of many commodities will be too low. Coupled with major depreciation is the USD and Euro currencies means the nominal value of these goods will rise.

Of course, we will be better for it. But the toys are going to be thrown out of the pram in a big way before we learn our lesson.


Erstellt am 14. Feb. 2009 - 02:04

I am wondering if this forum is taken over by economists.

During recession, engineers on lay-offs or in factories operating 3 or 4 days a week have to spend their time on some activity. But why on this forum?

vinayak sathe 15, Rangavi Estate, Dabolim Airport 403801, Goa, India

Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 14. Feb. 2009 - 05:52
Quote Originally Posted by VinayakView Post
I am wondering if this forum is taken over by economists.

During recession, engineers on lay-offs or in factories operating 3 or 4 days a week have to spend their time on some activity. But why on this forum?

Really beautifully said, Maestro.

Further to my recent reply along the same lines I would just like to add that in Britain the paint is getting wetter.

Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 17. Feb. 2009 - 02:16
Quote Originally Posted by pugilistswineView Post
This will be the most serious economic downturn we have faced in living memory; people today have no appetite for any kind of suffering, so it will surely be all the more painful - economies don't turn on a dime, the proverbial has yet to hit the fan - we can see it coming and its getting closer hence the panic with throwing money to stimulate the economy by spending more money countries don't have today to save the politicians collective asses and everyone else from the mother of all hangovers.

It should be clearly understood that this manipulation of market forces is exactly what has created this problem in the first place. Governments have not been able to resist playing out their ham fisted "we know better" assumptions about the market in order to "fix" downturns that are a part of the process to keep markets efficient. Any time there is a little suffering, they pump money into the system to avert the hangover. This constant tinkering has lead to a massive 50 year+ bubble that has created a culture of obese, lazy and insolvent goons who think its their "right" to consume far beyond their means.

A good analogy for whats happening is to think of a drug addict. They get the high of their first hits and feel great, but the come down is met each time with more and more suffering - in order to avoid it and reach the bliss of those first, sweet hits of cheap credit and easy money they need more and more. All the time the amount of junk that needs to be put into their bodies increases. At the same time the body tries to right itself by going through the necessary comedown and withdrawal to get off the gear. Not doing so results in death of the addict through overdosing (Hyperinflation / hyper inflationary depression) or the mother of all hangovers (economic depression and falling prices / rising unemployment).

Unfortunately one of the problems with democracies is that the politicians will do what is required to please the populous, or they lose their jobs. All governments with central banking systems are doing exactly the same thing - globally coordinating massive, never before seen amounts of cheap credit into the system in order to avert the hangover. Alas, the game is up, we cannot beat gravity. There will be an increase in "positive" news, like the stock market looking better and so on, but this will be illusory and driven by sentiment that does not understand the magnitude of the problem. The increase in spending will not work, and then there will be a major systemic collapse, inflation will begin to tear apart countries that had previously been outward looking and positive about the future will become isolated and protectionist making things even worse, greatly increased chances of conflict, US Dollar collapse and a total re-engineering of the way we do things and how power is distributed in the world will result.

maybe after 5 years we get used to it - the good thing for this industry is that the prices of many bulk items will rise enormously in this period - lack of easy credit over the last 18 months has led to projects in mining, oil and gas and shipbuilding being canceled which means the future supply of many commodities will be too low. Coupled with major depreciation is the USD and Euro currencies means the nominal value of these goods will rise.

Of course, we will be better for it. But the toys are going to be thrown out of the pram in a big way before we learn our lesson.

Dear Sir

As i do have a close track to market and what i get to admit about the plant wall street is having its northward movement . Yet its indeed to endevour that some of the toxic factor may erode the eco



Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 24. Feb. 2009 - 06:28
Quote Originally Posted by sganeshView Post
How long will be this recession period exist?

What is your opinion?

max one year

(not verified)

Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 18. Mar. 2009 - 09:11

There should not be just the same policy for the whole world, it should not be the same, unfortunately, most countries are goes the same way. I am sure there is an un-touch wisdom for the world, we can see a market case: when one product's price is higher than other similar kinds, for example the apple, and the people will try to produce more apple, the next year maybe the person who produce apple makes money too, however,maybe three years later, the apple becomes very cheap, lots person who come to the apple industry will burden the loss. of course we can make lots more conclusion from the simple case, this way I just say, what we see now is not always effective as it looks or it's effects before.

Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 9. Apr. 2009 - 01:59
Quote Originally Posted by ac-driveView Post
I think 2 years. Because the government of many coutries have took many ways.

it is may be right at present condition, from the situation in China, the economy is comming down ahead, but it may be the bottom in 2009, if really so, I am at least for China, it is a "2008-2009" year recession, it will be comfortable economy situation. But the walk out the recession, it may takes more days.


swall belting inc.

(not verified)

How Long

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2009 - 07:48

Everyone is hoping that this recession shd not last for more than 1 year, by 2010 things shd improve for good reason if not for better reasons...

Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 22. Apr. 2009 - 05:30

Just by predicting it you are changing it

Best Regards, Gareth Blakey

Great Words!

Erstellt am 25. Apr. 2009 - 07:51
Quote Originally Posted by blakeygView Post
Just by predicting it you are changing it

It is really great words, I think, we are making the world, the world is changing, predicting is just part of or very few part of the human society, the predication may change according the human decision to some extent.


swall belting inc.

Skype: swall.belting


Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 27. Apr. 2009 - 05:14

Hi Luke

How are you. Perhabs this time i am forced to get your attention to become optimism. I have reaso to believe , as i sees and exuded by you that, attrubuted to making some proactive action n micro eco one can get the considerable positive move in macro economics. Well thats nothing but the theory of keynedd theory . The point is we in asia are adopting the momentum base approach in effort to revive the economy and that works impeccably. Though our economy is stil in negative phase , but in view having the 4th quarter result of an organization which throws the revival sign of eco , could be the culprit of beiving the movement of economy in positive direc. Well this all comes from sound decision couple with precipitated and concentrated aproach of our govt actively working to shape the u-turn in the market. I dont know what is the case at your end, may be there could be the divided opinion attributed to group of people(optimist and permist) but underlying point is whether the action being taken works on ground is some thing we have to see

I thisnk we are at same curve but appposote point

rahul chaubey

(not verified)

Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 7. Apr. 2010 - 07:41

Hi all..

I believe Only GOD can answer this question...

Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 7. Apr. 2010 - 08:23

No Recession in India for another 20 years,you might have seen how India has faced the storm of recession and came out very fast.At present there is long queues of FDI'S who wanted to invest in India.I can use the gauge of Material Handling Industries in India by having lot of jobs in their hands for next 2 years(order booking),most of the top notch cos. loke THYSEEN KRUPP,METSO,MAC NALLY BHARAT,ELECON,TECPRO,FLS.AUMUND ect are flooded with orders.

Same thing with Port,Railways,Logistics,Road sector ect.



(not verified)

Different Country Different Recession

Erstellt am 17. May. 2010 - 03:01

It looks different for countries from the view now.

India may be the best country in the recession.

However, US EU do not looks that good, and from the econimic information, today US is better than EU, it looks also perfect is China, but I do not think China is good as India in the recession. Although China have gained maybe more clapping and flowers during the bad season.


rubber conveyor belt supplier (

Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 20. May. 2010 - 07:23
Quote Originally Posted by plusuView Post
It looks different for countries from the view now.

India may be the best country in the recession.

However, US EU do not looks that good, and from the econimic information, today US is better than EU, it looks also perfect is China, but I do not think China is good as India in the recession. Although China have gained maybe more clapping and flowers during the bad season.


rubber conveyor belt supplier (

Hello Mr Like

Its been long back , i discontinued our dialogue in context of the subject we haven chatting.

Well , with the increasing latent demand couple with the impeccable govt policy reforms, the india has come out of the recession roof and yielded a considerable growth of 8%. This sounds , all the micro and macro level factors will favour the government ambitious plan to steep and ramp the GDP from 8% to 10% . India have lot of untapped potential and being eyed from lot of global investor to inculcate the investment through FDI &FII . It seems the global people are landing to Indian market in attempt to capture the sizeable potential. Taking up a hardlook on the past and future trajectory on the Indian market , it quantified that the India with the sister country China , is going to persist constructive growth . Immense of international companies has choked out the future business plan to shake hand inorganically in the badge to mimic the further business with asian countries . Indeed there has been lot of defying, to percolate the recession shelf, but virtually it has gratified a welcomed move from government, and does the overall economic growth . Thanks to govt

Indeed part of the spur in this economy was something has to do with global investor , as there is growing interest of the global entrepreneur to put their ideas in the market of local consumer with having high investing power and so does the investment contribution bilaterally .

Here i want your intervention , in context of what happened in Greece and other European countries ie spain , Italy as they heading to have a global turmoil . I followed this news , but not in depth . With my limited information , i perceive the turmoil is attributed of the heavy spending in the employee and less productivity . Perhabs iam quite wrong in presuming this statement , but nevertheless there is growing concern on the heavy spending by European market . All the possibility of keynessian route is being approached by government , all ideas has been tabled , but has some limitation. Fiscal deficit (% of GDP) parked by govt is another issues . Primarily the Fiscal deficit 10% of GDP for of Greece is highly related to external funding and is another egg in basket of concern . As far as india & other asian countries is concern which stems teh dramatic business potential specially in developing countries, there wouldnot be any direct impact rather will account to heavy spending to tap the growing potential of market

This is all about glance scenario of the growing economic in India , how about at your end ?

(not verified)

Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 1. Jun. 2010 - 08:47

hello rahul chaubey,

For the dialogue of recession, it is obvious that lots of people have a wrong view about the seriousness of the recession.

About the your comments about the economy of India and other countries, I agree , India is the best performance in the recession, the similar good condition as some other developing countries. My business can be part of the evidence, our export to India is growing, as other south east Asian countries, however there is little even no feedback from Western EU and USA.

Actually, comparing to China, India is more fit to the international market economy. For the thirty years high speed economy growth, China have become a market economy and policy economy mixture, the global recession press us to change our head about economy growth, however to stop a big machine is not a easy job, before recession, we are glad to be a processing hand of other countries, just like a workshop for the EU and USA, that is a effect way from the global cooperation view, the processing potential of China is almost support all the people to live in the earth. However, there is fatal mistake for the status. That is most manufacture exporter is not familar with the world market demand, they do not understand and can not have a right view for the market demand, but they are optimistic and positive on the export manufacturing, actually lots of manufacture export have encountered the bad ending as I know, the sweater industry from a city of Shandong province have gone to a decline way because of export market loose. Comparing to the light industry, the heavey industry is better, that is because the government consumption and tremendous fisical support in the recession. I work for private company from I graduation, for the private company the living enviroment is worse than the days before recession. As private company can not get policy resoureces comparing to the state owned big companies. From the latest trend, the central government have adjusted little.

And the government of China have decided to keep or lower the house price level ,In one word, it will be a nother economy reform in China after 40 years. The global recession give the Chinese a chance to review the global market and economy growth.

Best regards,

Luke (

(not verified)

Re: Recession Period

Erstellt am 11. Jul. 2010 - 07:42

there's no actual 'end date' for this. unless there'd be a catastophe to destroy life and start over from scratch. but seriously, no one can predict this. even scholars are fumbled, forsaw this event, and it's inevitable. so we wait. work harder and look forward that it'll not be long.