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Profile Background - 1176
REMBE® GmbH Safety + Control
Explosion Safety - Consulting. Engineering. Products. Service.
Gallbergweg 21
59929 Brilon
+49 2961 740 50
+49 2961 507 14
Über REMBE® GmbH Safety + Control
REMBE is a safety specialist in pressure relief and explosion safety. It provides customers in all industries with safety systems for their plants and equipment. All products are made in Germany and meet the requirements of national and international regulations. REMBE customers include market leaders in numerous sectors, such as the food, wood, oil and gas, chemical, pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries. REMBE takes a comprehensive approach, primarily developing and making its own products while also providing the relevant consultancy, engineering and service.

The independent family enterprise, founded in 1973, employs a global workforce of around 250 people. REMBE® has its headquarters in Brilon, in the hills of the Sauerland region (Germany), and runs eight subsidiaries to support its worldwide customers right where they are. Thanks to its short lines of communication, the company can respond quickly and find customised solutions for all applications, ranging from standard products to special high-tech designs. Its most important proprietary products and processes include the KUB® reverse acting buckling pin rupture disc and flameless venting technology. REMBE® has active worldwide engagements on various professional bodies and is also involved in planning and setting up international standards and regulations.

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Explosion Safety - why is it so crucial?
Higher - faster - further: not just the objective in sport but also in the development of industrial plant technology. 21st century machinery has long been optimised and is running at high speed. However, as plants approach their maximum capacity, the risk of an explosion also increases.

Rising levels of fine particles produced by fast-running machines are one of the main reasons that the probability of explosions increased – these explosions almost always cost human lives. But even if nobody is harmed, an explosion in an inadequately protected industrial plant can still cause immense structural and financial damage. History shows that explosions in unprotected plants have driven companies to bankruptcy time and time again. After all, every day of lost production puts the company’s existence at risk. Explosion safety concepts usually enable businesses to eliminate production downtime entirely or at the very least reduce it dramatically – and with REMBE® products it is always more affordable than you think.
