Grinding Media / Chain for Ball Mill

Poi - India
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 7. Jun. 2005 - 22:26

Hello Again,

I have recently read that we can use both Cast Steel Balls and Steel Chains in a Ball Mill.

For a Ball Mill of capacity ranging form 4 to 6 TPH for grinding Cement Clinker which medium will suit the best?

Also which of the above mill will be more economically viable?

Thanks again,


Breaking Things By Dropping

Erstellt am 20. Oct. 2006 - 09:27

Hi Poi,

Have you ever tried to break an egg by throwing pebbles at it. It can be done, but it may take some time.

What happens if you throw a boulder at the egg - vola - scrambled egg in 10 nanoseconds.

Are you thinking bicycle chain or ships anchor chain? Chain from a Chinese junk - or from a 200,000 ton ore barge?

It makes you think, doesn't it.