Posted on
5. Dec. 2003 - 08:53
If you find the site to download the standards plaese letme know.
M Alonso ■
Marcelo A Alonso.
Re: Din 22101 , Din 22107 , Iso 5048
Posted on
17. Dec. 2003 - 05:42
If you are a student you shoukd be able to register with "Atens" (spelt Athams.co.uk - I think), when registered (for free) it gives you access to databases such as BSi, there you can download a wide selection of standards in *.pdf format.
Hope this Helps,
125. ■
DIN 22101 , DIN 22107 , ISO 5048
I am a student at the National Technical University of Athens and I am working on a project about belt conveyors.
I was wondering if there is a way to download the standards concerning belt conveyors (unofficially).
As I have found out these are the DIN 22101, DIN 22107 as well as the ISO 5048.
Thank you very much ■