Re: Cover Types
Cover information is available from the various belt manufacturers (Apex, Fenner, Firestone, Garlock, Goodyear, Scandura, Yokohama, etc.) and trade group organizations (such as NIBA in US). Unfortunately, they can use different names for the same cover - which will make your search more difficult. Also, the trade groups' web sites may not allow you access to information unless your a member.
Therefore, to get the information you want, your best bet will be to access the various web sites of the belt manufacturers and scan their list of belts. The Unipoly group and Goodyear have good literature available. If you have a contact that belongs to NIBA, you should be able to get a cross reference list.
Good luck on your search. ■
Re: Cover Types
If you go to the Scandura web site
Click on "Royalon" and then click on "Cover Compounds".
This will give you some technical info on the compounds and also has the Australian grades that you are inquiring about.
Gary Blenkhorn ■
Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Email: garyblenkhorn@gmail.com
Linkedin Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-blenkhorn-6286954b
Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.
Re: Cover Types
Tables 2A-D from our handbook would look to have the information that you are looking for.
You can download the whole handbook from this link:
http://www.apexfenner.com.au/industry.htm. Any problems, please email me and I will send the info separately to you.
Gary Blenkorn has already posted the link to Scandura and a further source is the Georgia Duck website which has a comprehensive Chemical Resistance Chart:
(Scandura, Georgia Duck and Apex Fenner are all members of Fenner Dunlop Conveyor Belting Worldwide)
hope this is helpful,
Ray Latchford ■
Re: Cover Types
Please check the following link:
Best Regards.
Mike Nemet ■
Blair Rubber
I know that Blair rubber has a great cross reference chart.
I took this from their website...
"We offer a complimentary handbook or CD that provides a cross reference of manufacturers' belt grades to Blair's Enduraflex line of splicing and repair materials and tables/formulas to calculate the materials needed."
Hope this helps,
Andrew Butterworth
AFM Industries ■
Conveyor Materials Question
You did not give the reason for your question. If you are looking for a material that has superior performance capabilities under abrasive and chemically-aggressive usage, you could consider solid-steel-belted conveyors. Sandvik offers many grades of steel to choose from.
These conveyors must generally be designed from the outset to use a solid steel belt, but both the belt and the conveyor offer a long life expectancy, depending of course upon the particular application! Hence, if you look to replace a conveyor's existing belt material, then Sandvik belting may not be the solution, but for a new application it could very well be the ultimate answer ....as it has been for many users world-wide for over 100 years!
Furthermore, our belts offer the ability to continuously process products as they are being conveyed.
Please check out the website at "www.processsystems.sandvik.com".
If you have any other questions, feel free to email me and I will try to help.
Robbin Wood
Sales Engineer- Canada
"robbin.wood@sandvik.com" ■
Cover Types - Conveyor Belt
I have come across an interesting webpage called www.Conveyor-Belt-Guide.com, which answers the questions and much more ■
Re: Cover Types
I think the best reference is the standard DIN 22102, part1. ■
Cover Types
Does anyone know of a web site that explains the different types of covers and their applications. For example, what is an EPT belt, what is nitrile, M grade, N grade etc and what are the applications ? Also the chemical compatibility of covers with different products conveyed, abrasion indexes, temp ranges etc ■