Spraying Stockpiles
There was an article in Braunkohle 53 (2001) No 2 April / June
where the pile was sprayed with lime slurry to create a hard crust.
The company was Lhoist in Belgium. Patent pending.
If you find any thing on the polythene layer please advise.
Gary James
Bulk Handling Innovation
Melbourne Australia ■
Re: Protection Of Stockpile Against Rain
Dear sir,
In response to your recent inquiry, we would offer the use of our TEMCOR Aluminum Domes for your bulk storage application.
The Aluminum Dome is an efficient clear-span structure that offers many advantages over conventional types of construction. In comparison to steel or concrete roof systems, it is typically cost competitive and can be built in the least amount of time. Foundation requirements and other structural costs are also minimized due to the dome's lightweight all-aluminum construction.
As added benefits, the maintenance-free Aluminum Dome does not require any paint or protective coatings and its aluminum exterior never needs reroofing. The structures are custom designed to meet your exact size requirements and they can be engineered to support any live loads or distributed equipment loads.
TEMCOR has supplied over 6500 domes for projects worldwide and is the industry's leading designer and builder of clear-span aluminum structures. We appreciate your interest and hope that we can be of service to you in connection with any projects for which the advantages of our Aluminum Domes might be considered.
Please visit us on www.temcor.com for full application portfolio review
Sam Saleh
Sales Manager
Tel: 310-523-2322
Fax: 310-523-2380
ssaleh@temcor.com ■
Protection Of Stockpile Against Rain & Water
Dear Mr. Rekhawar,
I have read in the book only & have no experience of using the crusting agent.There are nos. of agents which are organic polymer-1 &2,Petrolium resin,Latex type etc...used depending upon the type of material.By spraying such a bonding agent over the pile, a thin solid crust is formed (about 3/8 inch.), which can last several months to a year depending on condition.
But you have not indicated the material to be covered.Also you have not indicated the purpose.I think it is for dust control only.
More I cannot able to deliver.
A.Banerjee ■
Protection Of Stock Pile
Dear Mr.Rehawar,
I have already given some information in this regards.But it is not displaying.
I am trying to solve the problem.
A.Banerjee ■
Proction Of Stock Pile
Dear Sir,
Test only
A.Banerjee ■
Protection Of Stock Pile
Dear Mr. Rehawar,
I read in the book only & have no experience.There are many types of crusting agents for storage piles.They are POLYMER-1&2, PETROLIUM RESIN, LATEX ETC..By spraying such a bonding agent over the pile, a thin solid crust is formed, which will normally last from months to a year depending upon condition.
But Mr. Rehawar you have to indicated the type of material being stored or is it for long term storage in open yard? I presume that you want to use spray for dust control in open storage yard.
A.Banerjee ■
Protection Of Stockpile
Dear Mr. Rekhawar,
I have read in the book only & have no experiance on it.There are many types of crusting agent for covering the pile.I have already written some of the types.But please indicate the material you want to store & for how many days.
A.Banerjee ■
Test Reply
Dear Mr. Rekhawar,
It is a test mail. Please ignor it.
A.Banerjee ■
Protection Of Pile
Dear Mr.Rekhawar,
Just checking. ■
Re: Protection Of Stockpile Against Rain
Dust Stop is a solution used in this type of situation and it has proven very successful. It is a 100% Environmentally Friendly powder which when mixed with water will coat the material in question and seal it with a flexible film. See Dust Stop at www.cypherltd.com for more details.
Norm Burns
Ph: +204 489-1214
E-mail: aquarian@mts.net
Web site: www.cypherltd.com ■
Re: Protection Of Stockpile Against Rain
Hi Banerjee,
About the thin solid crust you mentioned in this discsussion chain, will it be possible to be used on any Biomass products?
Will they effect the burning effciency of the biomass product.
I'm in need to find out cheap ways to protect my 10000t stockpile from moisture. ■
Re: Protection Of Stockpile Against Rain
That's a good news then we are able to preserve the value of our storage and able to provide good services. ■
Re: Protection Of Stockpile Against Rain
The query does not mention the name of material. Material protection from rain will depend upon type of material and particular application (i.e. subsequent process or sell, etc.). Some information about this issue is as below:
1) For a material like grain any contamination will not be permitted, and so in such cases there will be only shed.
2) Often material excavated from mine will have more moisture (or some time wet). Typical case lignite. In such cases the material is stored in open. It results into drying (lessening of moisture) by wind and sunshine, without any expense, during dry season. In a country like India, the actual rain is only for 2 and a half months, and the rest of the year is without rain. So above method is beneficial.
Often such application have shed over small portion of stockpile which is used during actual heavy rain. At Neyveli lignite mine the shed is about 60 m span and about 200 m? long. At a lignite power station in Gujarat it has about 70 m span. The reclaimer (or stacker-reclaimer) travel under the shed which has no obstructing columns.
3) Then there are also dome type shed over circular stockpiles.
4) The use of spraying of solution to create water resistant coating will depend upon the application, i.e. no objection for its addition into material, etc. Secondly, its expense will depend upon how frequently the stockpile is to be stacked and reclaimed. It may have better result for granular material where coating can create effective surface. For lumpy material, the rain water may accumulate in the depression between two lumps, and coating being not so continuous, may seep into the stockpile? Refer manufacturer of such system for their views for suitability for particular application and running cost. The information from my side about this point 4 to be considered as preliminary.
Ishwar G Mulani.
Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors
Author of Book : Belt Feeder Design and Hopper Bin Silo
Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.
Pune, India.
Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25871916
Email: parimul@pn2.vsnl.net.in ■
Protection of Stockpile against Rain
Dear All,
I heard that there are spray pumps available, by which we can spray and cover the stockpile with microthin polythene film.
This way, we can protect the stockpile from rain & moisture.
Can anybody give me any information about it.
Regards ■