Stacker-Reclaimer Requirement
Dear Sir
We noted your inquiry regarding a Stacker-Reclaimer for Bauxite application. Perhaps we can assist you, once you have your TPH numbers defined.
We are pleased to offer the following Surplus Equipment.
*A complete package of equipment(previously used on Bauxite). One crawler mounted Bucket Wheel Excavator(reclaimer), rated 2800tph, (1) Belt Wagon rated 2800tph, and (2) Stackers each rated 2800tph.
Also, available
* A complete bulk handling facility(equipment only)Stacker-Reclaimers, load-out etc.
**Continuous Surface Mining Machine. High Capacity. Previously used on clay and coal.
Please feel free to contact us for additional information.
Al Goodmundson
Email ■
Re: About Bauxite
If there is only one question then it must be very general.
One answer is to find your material classification which will then tell you the limiting belt speeds, depending on your throughputs, & corrosion regime.
Then decide on your stacking method to determine the outreach requirement of the boom & bucketwheel. This should ensure that you don't stack material you cannot later reclaim; do this because bauxite can time consolidate severely.
After that it should be reasonably downhill: outreach knowledge enables you to assess the counterweight requirements which in turn eventually yields the track loads. Then you go back uphill & add the machinery to make it do what you want.
These are essentially simple machines if you have built them before. If you have not built them before then good luck; but have words with Koch Transporttechnik (Germany): the experts. ■
Re: About Bauxite
Dear Mr. xiashaojian,
You have mentioned that you intend to design stacker cum reclaimer for handling of bauxite. If you are equipment manufacturer and if you intend to manufacture such machines, then designing of such machines is a very specialised subject and unless you have past experience and back-up data, you can have difficulty in designing such machines.
If you are buyer and in this context if you are referring to design of stacker-reclaimer, then in actual terms it is system engineering for stockyard machines, wherein you will be deciding the stockpile size, probable boom length, conveying system arrangement in conjunction with such machines. This also includes main parameters / features of structural and civil work.
As for the system engineering for stockyard machines; firstly you have to decide required storage capacity. This will depend upon frequency of incoming material and frequency / continuity of the material being consumed and thereby the required buffer stock. Having decided the stockpile capacity, you have to decide the stockpile width and length so that system becomes most optimum / economical. This requires knowledge of available / prevailing designs, judgement about their prices etc. The stockyard arrangement will depend upon the land layout. Having decided the stockpile length width etc., machine travel becomes known. From this known travel length, decide the stockyard conveyor length and related conveyor systems.
Machines / plants created with proper system engineering will result in to economy, reliability and trouble free functioning. This requires extensive know-how and experience in context of technical knowledge, prevailing prices, operational methods, maintenance considerations, and so on.
Ishwar G Mulani.
Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.
Author of Book : Belt Feeder Design and Hopper Bin Silo
Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.
Email :
Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25882916 ■
About Bauxite
Dear everyone
I have one question about bauxite. Now I am ready designing for one stacker and reclaimer handling bauxite. I have no experience about handling this kind of machine. Please tell me how to think about this machine's abrasion and corrasion and dust pressing.
Thank you very much
Best regards ■