Screw Conveyor
Please describe your problem and installation etc. in more detail.
Reinhard Wohlbier ■
Re: Screw Conveyor (Hooper)
I suggest you to interact with some nearby manufacturer of Bulk Material Handling Equipment in your country, who will provide you the basic information you are looking for. You may search into this website for possible manufacturers.
Alternatively, I have authored and published a book on belt conveyor, which also provides information about hoppers and other associated equipment (not screw conveyor). If your organisation agrees, you can opt for this book which will provide you good information about bulk material handling principles and equipment, and of course belt conveyors.
Ishwar G Mulani.
Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.
Email : parimul@pn2.vsnl.net.in ■
Screw Conveyor
Why do u want to study, the screw conveyors and that too when there are people who can guide you.
Let us know your problem.
We can give you solution.
In case you want to study it .
Please contact CEMA (conveyor Equipment Manufacturere's Association) They have published a catalogue on Screw Conveyors and Screw Feeders. in USA
Hope It will help You.
Screws And Hoppers
It is always a good idea to know about a subject, both to understand a situation and to make an informed judgement. Screw conveyors are normally used to transport bulk materials that are entered at a controlled rate and the cross sectional loading is restricted by design to a maximum of 45% full. Lower fill levels are sometimes employed, according to application features, but the prime purpose remains to convey a given amount of material over a specific distance. When screws are fitted to a feed hopper that allows material to fill the whole cross section of the screw, the handling duty changes to being a screw feeder and totally difference circumstances apply. There are many different reasons for fitting a feed screw, such as: -
- Controlling the rate of discharge from the hopper.
- Increasing the storage capacity by providing a larger outlet.
- Improving the flow characteristics of the hopper shape.
- Overcoming resistance to high discharge rates.
- Delivering to offset receiving points.
In some cases twin or mutiple screws are fitted in a parallel array to enhance one or more of the above features.
The design of feed screws involves many considerations. My book ‘User Guide to the Design, Selection and Application of Screw Feeders’, published by the I.Mech.E, describes many important features and is intended to provide a good grounding in the subject. General information on screw feeders is available on the web site www.ajax.co.uk, together with important information on hopper design, flow behaviour of bulk solids and powder testing equipment. The subject is too vast to develop in this column, but there is a host of information available to peruse in the right places. ■
Screw conveyor (hooper)
I have studied about screw conveyor and hooper and needed information about where hoopers are used and what kind of advantage it provides. Can you give me information, web adress, dokuments and etc. in this subjects. ■