James, this sounds like a good hard technical answer that is right up your alley. ■
I will attempt an answer here:
Typically shaft config for circle one of the following:
1. single shaft, concentric shaft with offset eccentric hub and 2flywheels , one on each end. Two bearings, one on each side and there Must be enough MOMENT to move the STATIC weight of the screen body and all of its components calculated into it.
2. Single shaft, eccentric offset shaft, 4 bearings on a single shaft. Non adjustable stroke here. One bearing on each side at sideplate brg hsg and one bearing outside of these on a shaft extension....mounted to a baseframe, locking the shaft down.
VSMA has full full description on each shaft design used in vibrating screens........and why?
George ■
Vibrating Ccreen
which parameters should be considered for desiging the shaft of circular motion inclined screen. ■