Re: Asking For Papers Of Beltcon 15 & 16
Posted on
1. Dec. 2012 - 05:26
Re: Asking For Papers Of Beltcon 15 & 16
Posted on
7. Dec. 2012 - 02:44
Dear Lyle,
Thank you very much for your kind help. Good Luck!
Xiangwei ■
Asking for Papers of Beltcon 15 & 16
Dear all,
I am a PhD student in bulk material handling and transport system, I found that the website of saimh.co.za can provide the papers from Beltcon 1-14, which can be found at http://www.saimh.co.za/beltcon/, but without 15-16. We all know that Beltcon conference provides enormous valuable research information and methodologies to researchers. So I wonder if some one can provide me papers of Beltcon 15-16. Thanks a lot.
Kind regars,
Xiangwei Liu ■