Pipeline Diverting
Use Everlasting valves. They are used extensively in the cement industry primarily for finish cement pneumatic conveying systems. This is a rotating double disc type valve. They are very durable and can be changed on the fly so you wouldn't have to shut down you pneumatic conveying system to change destination tanks. Everlasting Valve Co. can be reached at (908) 769-0700. They are located at 108 Somogyi Court, South Plainfield, New Jersey, 07080, USA..
Best of Luck,
Dave Luzan
Luzan & Company
https://edir.bulk-online.com/oldedirredirect/200070.htm ■
Re: Pipeline Diverting
There are several companies who make the same type of valve and you would be prudent to research them to compare the price and features. The place where you will install these valves is at the end of the pneumatic system where pressures are the lowest and other valves may be more economical.
Companies such as F.L.Smidth, IBAU are two such suppliers. ■
Pipeline Diverting
Dear Juan
Our company has pneumatic conveying pipeline diverters in its delivery programme. We can recommend the diverters with pneumatic actuators. We can offer two types of them by your choose: standard type or wear-resist type. Standard diameters are from DN 50 to DN 200. As standard we deliver two-way diverters but it is possible to prepare three-way ones. If you are interested in our products, it would be pleasure to prepare an offer for you.
Petr Rayman
Technical Director
RAYMAN spol. s r. o. Kladno
Czech Republic
tel. +420 382 522 115
fax +420 382 522 117
E-mail: petr.rayman@rayman.cz
Web site: www.rayman.cz ■
Pipeline Diverting
Here at Clyde Materials Handling in Doncaster our main business is the pneumatic conveying of abrasive products. Cement is a very common product for us. We have a range of conveying systems and valves that we manufacture in house especially for this purpose.
More details are available at: http://www.clydematerials.com/indust...71773D1B2CEAD9
If you wish more information please advise and we will send data sheets, referance lists and prices etc.
A site visit to discuss the appliction would also be worth while as our head office is in Doncaster, South Yorkshire.
Michael Goble
Business Development Manager ■
Re: Pipeline Diverting
Hello Juan,
we manufactur pneumatic conveying systems and have also components like divider for conveying routes. Our systems are working successfull in several conveying systems for cement.
You can have a look to our systems at: www.pfe-gmbh.de
Follow the link "Leistungsspektrum", "Komponenten" and for more informations the link "Sammel-und Verteilweichen"
If you are interested, please contact us.
kindly regards
Jürgen Butz ■
Re: Pipeline Diverting
also try Claudius Peters in Buxtehude Germany.
They also supply this type of valves. and the Fl Smith group.
marco ■
Re: Pipeline Diverting
Thanks for all the suggestions! ■
Abrasion Resistant Diverter
Hello Juan,
We are specialised in pneumatic conveying of abrasive materials and have developped a complete game of equipements for it, like abrasion resistant patented elbows, abrasion resistant diverter valves, abrasion resistant expension pots etc.
We can also design your pipe to obtain the most efficient pneumatic conveying regarding energy consumption and abrasion resistance.
Find here attached a picture of our abrasion resistante diverter.
We can send you our documentation and a proposal.
Xavier Meyrigne - CE
159, Avenue Jean Jaurs
75019 PARIS
Phone + 33 1 42 38 00 25
Fax + 33 1 42 38 00 76
Mail xavier.meyrigne@wanadoo.fr
aiguillage aa page 1 photo 72 (JPG)
Pipeline Diverting
Hello, I am conveying cement into 5 silos using dilute phase. The problem is, what kind of system/valves do I use to divert the flow into all these 5 silos?
I also want this 5 silos to fill up one after another, and not all at once.
The silos can be arranged in series or parallel, but parallel would be preferred.
Any suggestions? thanks ■