Re: How To Monitor The Pipe Wall Thickness

Posted on 23. Sep. 2003 - 06:37

Ultra sonic thickness meter is normally used to measure wall thickness in metal pipes. I have used it to measure wall thickness in pneumatic conveying pipelines and found it very useful and accurate. If you are interested in measuring bend wall thickness the maximum loss will be between 15 -25 degrees from bend inlet depending on the R/d ratio of the bend.


Re: How To Monitor The Pipe Wall Thickness

Posted on 20. Feb. 2004 - 04:38

Ultrasonic will do , mark your measurement points in permanent form, use the same location always . If you draw the centerline of your pipe , the intersection of this line with the bend can be the maximun wear rate point. there is an old pneumatec publication from Mils and Mason that I found interesting. also Paul Solt's course examples.

Remember the signal to noise ratio in your instrument might require to run the system for some time before you get any significant readings, unless you are conveying really abrasive materials. so be patient. Also remember temperature affects the speed of sound , so either compensate or measure at the same temperature (metal temperature), take several measurements in the same point and use your statistics.

Calibrate frecuently your instrument. and your personell.



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