Floating Velocity Calculation

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 27. Aug. 2007 - 02:03


Several months ago you posted a calculation for Floating or Suspension Velocities and reference or bases for each variable within the equation. Would it be possible to post that information once more.

Thanks John

Re: Floating Velocity Calculation

Posted on 27. Aug. 2007 - 07:55

Dear John,

perform a search in this forum.

Select on "floating velocity" and "pneumatic conveying"

22 items on this subject are returned.

Also I attach a file about floating velocity.

If you have more specific questions, we will hear.

have a nice day


suspensionvelocity (PDF)


Polyethylen Pellets

Posted on 27. Aug. 2007 - 11:22

Dear Teus, I like to knouw if you can help me for determine the Floating velocity and the Solid friction factor of Polyethylen pellets at this conditions, I hope you can help me.

Re: Floating Velocity Calculation

Posted on 28. Aug. 2007 - 04:48

dear chivo,

From my reply in this thread, you must be able to figure out the floating velocity of your product.

to help you further, it is necessary to know;

- particle(pellet) size

- particle weight or material density

- particle shape

As stated in other threads, the Solid Friction Factor depends on the calculation method.

The Solid Friction Factor can be calculated back from an existing installation and applied on a design installation, using the same calculation algorithm for both cases.

best regards



Thanks Teus

Posted on 28. Aug. 2007 - 08:30

Dear Teus this is the conditions

particle(pellet) size 3.2mm Dia x 3.2mm Long.

- particle weight or material density 528 - 590 Lbs./Cu.Ft.

- particle shape: cylindrical

Thank you very much Teus.

Jos Viloria.

Re: Floating Velocity Calculation

Posted on 28. Aug. 2007 - 09:25

dear chivo,

are you sure about the density ?

528 - 590 Lbs./Cu.Ft. # 8458 - 9451 kg/m3

This is heavier than steel

( 1 Lbs./Cu.Ft. # 16.018 kg/m3 )



PS or am I making a mistake?


Hi Teus

Posted on 28. Aug. 2007 - 10:13

Hi teus I am rectifying that value of density, but I have a great doubt in I articulate of A.T Agarwal for the Solid Acceleration ?

I get W= m/A (m - flow rate , A cross section)


In the first cell de value is correct but in the second cell and other cell the value is no correct

how its reduce ?

Which point am I losse?

Why it used the value of velocity outlet and the velocity inlet for calculation of Solid Acceleration?? I need the value of Solid Acceleration for calculation the pressure drop and then i'll can calculate the velocity outlet. Is not truth that????

Dear Teus

Posted on 29. Aug. 2007 - 04:46

Yes Teus the density are in Kg/m3. Teus I have a question about the article of Agarwal "Theory and Design of Dilute Phase Pneumatic Conveying Systems" how his calculate the outlet velocity of gas "O1", because if I used the inlet velocity of gas the value in this cell (O1) is not correct with the formula: inlet gas velocity*(inlet gas density/outlet gas density) Can you help me with that????

Re: Floating Velocity Calculation

Posted on 29. Aug. 2007 - 07:41

Dear chivo,

Questions about an article are best answered by the author of the article, in this case mr Agarwal.

Regarding the other question you had, it is necessry to know the material density (not the bulk density)

From the particle size and the bulk density, the floating velocity is estimated and from that value the relevant gas velocities are determined.


