Re: Conveying/Cooling Dimensioning
Dear Mr Cavin,
Your project can be split into 2 items.
ITEM 1: The pneumatic conveying.
This item can not really be discussed right now, as we lack the necessary information s.a. particle size (distribution), material density, fluidizability, etc.
Eventually, you will have to consult an expert or supplier.
ITEM 2: Cooling the product.
Your idea is, cooling the material with the (conditioned) convey gas.
Let us assume that the convey gas volume is known.
Suppose the residence time is long enough to reach an even mixture temperature before the end of the pipe line.
Then it is rather simple to calculate that equalized temperature.
T(mix) = { Cp * Q(gas) * T(gas) + Cc * Q(mat) * T(mat) }/ {Cp * Q(gas) + Cc * Q(mat) }
or :
T(mix) = { Cp * T(gas) + Cc * mu * T(mat) }/ {Cp + mu * Cc }
in which :
Cp = specific heat-content of gas at constant pressure
Q(gas) = Mass flow of gas
T(gas) = Temperature of gas
Cc = specific heat of material
Q(mat) = Mass flow of material
T(mat) = Temperature of material
mu = loading ratio kg-material/kg gas
Example :
Cp = 0.24 10^3 cal/kg
Q(gas) = 4.54 kg/sec
T(gas) = 150 degr.C
Cc = 0.2 10^3 cal/kg
Q(mat) = 111.1 kg/sec
T(mat) = 382 degr.C
T(mix) ={ 0.24 * 4.54 * 150 + 0.2 * 111.1 * 382 } / { 0.24 * 4.54 + 0.2 * 111.1 } = 371 C
As the material to gas ratio is mostly rather high, the mixture, equalized, temperature is also mostly close to the material temperature.
Furthermore, it is necessary to calculate the cooling through the pie wall and the possible temperature rise by energy losses by friction, while the material is moving through the pipe.
May be, a water cooled conveying pipe would work.
The conveying pipe is then executed as a heat exchanger
(If you require some extra information on a pipeline, considered as a heat exchanger, let me know)
good luck
teus ■
Re: Conveying/Cooling Dimensioning
You only have to convey horizontally. After that you are free to cool the product using gravity in any allowable format. Residence time in the gas stream is thereafter a reactor function. Available options include, but are not limited to, Cascading the powder down a spiral liner to increase the residence time, said liner being wrapped around a cool core; inside a cooled jacket: cascading the powder over fluidising trays: gliding the powder down against the upsurging nitrogen, similar to freeze drying.
You will need a cyclone to knock out the conveying gas before the fall process. A doddle. ■
Re: Conveying/Cooling Dimensioning
Thank you very much for your answers. Follow some comments:
Dear Mr. Tuinenburg,
Thanks for your input. Your calculation is correct IF we assume that the residence time is long enough. This is the core of the problem, as I do not think that the equilibrium can be reached.
I can compute a heat exchange (this is more what I am used to), but I have problems to compute how long is the product in the system. Basically, I need to have this time, and the relative speed of nitrogen towards particles in order to compute it.
Now I would be interested in sort of "trypical" values. If possible based on my product data, but sort of generic values for powders would already be great for computing order of magnitudes. The product data are the following:
* Fine powder with low cohesion; no problem for dosing with standard discharging system.
* Powder x50: 100 mu, x10: 10mu, x90: 300 mu
* Density: 550g/L, after shaking: 750g/L, specific density: 1000 g/L
* I do not know how to specify "fluidizability", I have however some data, such as compressibility 25%, angle of repose 45%, Flowability CARR-Index 65/100, angle of fall 30°, Floodability CARR-Index 75/100.
Based on this, perhaps one can compute the solid velocity as function of the gas velocity and time, which gives us the total flight time as fonction of distance. Then it is possible to use a simple model to compute the heat exchange... assuming I have "normal" standard values for:
* gas speed, solid/gas ratio.
Dear johngateley,
Thanks for your answer. My job is to evaluate the possibility to do it without investing more than a tube, a blower and a filter (which we need anyway for the horizontal conveying) and the heat exchanger.
Of course it is possible to use other options such as you propose, but these require further investment. Other options will also be considered (such as a cooling zone at the end of the dryer), but we were just wondering if using the pneumatic system was not better/cheaper than increasing for instance the size of major equipment units.
Thanks again for your help!
L.Cavin ■
Re: Conveying/Cooling Dimensioning
In pneumatic conveying pipelines heat transfer is almost instant for fine powders. This is due to very high surface area and high Reynolds number. It is almost a perfect heat transfer system. Steady state temperature will be achieved within the first few meters then there will only be heat loss to the pipe wall, so the resident time does not matter much. Since the heat capacity of gas is very low as compared to powder and you have to cool the powder by 100 degrees I think you will need a big bore pipe to keep the SLR down. Design for pick up velocities of 20 m/s, if you need an 8” + pipe higher velocities will be needed. ■
Re: Conveying/Cooling Dimensioning
Dear Mr Cavin,
According to your description, I tried to figure out the estimated flow ability or fluidizability.
I found 4 indexes:
TD = Tapped Density = 750
BD= Bulk Density = 550
1) Hausnerr Ratio = HR = TD/BD = 750 / 550 = 1.364
If HR < 1.4 then non cohesive material
2) Carr Index = CI = (TD-BD)/TD * 100 = (750-550)/750 * 100 = 26.7
IF 22 < CI < 35 then poor flow
3) Geldart Classification
Group A:
30 – 150 micron
particle density < 1400
then , easily fluidized, large expansion
4) angle of repose
30 degrees then free flowing
45 degrees then cohesive.
Well, eh, I think that your product is well fluidizable and under that condition pneumatically conveyable.
Next step:
Then, for particle size 100 micron and particle density 1000, the floating velocity in ambient air is approx. 1.45 m/sec.
The conveying velocity at atmospheric conditions (air, is approx 71 % nitrogen) is 5 times 1.45 = approx 7.25 m/sec.
Assume a loading ratio of 25 (rather low for this conveying distance)
Air mass = 2000 / 25 = 80 kg/hr or 0.0186 m3/sec at atmospheric conditions (end of pipeline)
Diameter of pipeline is then approx. 2.5 inch
Suppose 1 bar(o) conveying pressure (wild guess)
then v-begin = 7.25 / 2 * (150+273)/273 = 5.64 m/sec
Average velocity = approx 6.43 m/sec
Residence time = approx 30/6.43 = approx. 4.7 seconds
Keeping in mind Mr Matoo's remark of the influence of the residence ime, you now can make your fist estimate.
We are interested in the outcome.
NOTE: This is all, as we say in Holland, done with a “wet finger”
Best regards
(Checking the wind direction is done by sticking a wet finger in the air. The up wind side of the finger becomes colder, due to evaporation. This is the source of this saying) ■
Re: Conveying/Cooling Dimensioning
Thank you all for your input. Now I have what I need to begin handling the problem. I'll ask further if I come to a dead end!
Best greetings,
L.Cavin ■
Cooling In Pneumatic Transport
Though this is long after the initial post, I wonder what is the right answer and if the initiator had the solution
Though it is said that thermal equilibrium is attained in very short time, how short? less than 1 sec? less than 0.1 sec?
Basically, at low velocity 6.45m/sec and 30 m length will have large pipe diamter and longer pipe length and might be expensive
If we use velocites about 15 m/sec so that powders will not settle and also shorter convey pipes say 15 m(building constraints?) then what will happen. Is90% attainment of thermal equilibrium is better than expensive equipment?
Is there any simplistic approach to get this percent of equilibruim rather than solving iterative gas to particle heat transfer equations that too having lots of assumptions?? ■
Re: Conveying/Cooling Dimensioning
Dear bvsarma,
Your remark is a valid one.
Thermal equilibrium can be split in 2 steps.
Thermal equilibrium between particles and conveying air.
If the particles are small (sub mm) then the heat exchange between particles and air is probably very quick, although depending on the heat conductivity of the particle material.
For bigger particles, the equilibrium time is longer, resulting in a lower air temperature than calculated with complete heat equilibrium.
(In reality, the heat exchange curve is an e-function that reaches equilibrium asymptotic after an infinite time)
You are right that the reality is more complex than the assumptions might make you think.
Thermal equilibrium between conveying air and environment through the pipe wall.
Here, the equilibrium will be reached after a while, when the heat flow is stabilized after the temperatures are stabilized. The transient phase time is not considered.
Actually, the transient period for the particles is not considered.
In the calculations, the approach of assuming instantaneous thermal equilibrium is used to detect the worst case scenario for condensation of water after pressurizing the air and mixing with a (cold) material.
Is90% attainment of thermal equilibrium is better than expensive equipment?
Which expensive equipment are you referring to?
Have a nice day
Teus ■
Spices Cooling
Dear Mr. Teus,
I need to cool chilly powder of 0.5mm to 1.5 mm size , @ 800 kg per hour, from 60 degrees to 30 degrees. I am thinking of putting up a pneumatic conveying post grinding, only for cooling down the powder, followed by a spiral cooler which permits movement by gravity. The conveying medium would be cool dehumidified air. Please share your inputs. ( Condiesation need to be avoided in the powder as it will get unfit for consumption.
I would need to know if the thought ptocess is correct . I would also request your help to calculate the air requirement and pipe size ■
Re: Conveying/Cooling Dimensioning
Dear anupjacob,
A pneumatic conveying system is not the first choice for drying the material.
In a pneumatic conveying system, the residence times are too low.
In your case a fluidized bed or a rotating dryer is a better solution, because you can control the residence time and the air flow.
Calculating the drying process is not easy, because the surface water (if any) will evaporate quickly, but the material moisture must travel through the particle to the surface and that is a completely different story. ■
Conveying/Cooling Dimensioning
I am a chemical engineer with no clue about pneumatic conveying. In order not to look too dumb when discussing with future providers, I would like to do some simple "approximate" calculations - any help is appreciated!
The problem is the following:
We have a powder product that must be continuously (2to/h)conveyed for at least 15m horizontally and then 15m downwards vertically - but we may do a longer path.
This powder is hot (about 150°C) and we need cold powder in the reciever (about 40°C). The idea is to convey pneumatically with cold nitrogen to obtain the cooling during the conveying.
For this, I need to compute:
(a) speed of the particles according to speed of gas,
(b) residence time according to length of the conveying,
(c) resulting heat exchange and output temperature.
I do simply not really know how to begin, except going back to the basics and computing from scratch with a force balance the acceleration, and so on... but I am sure there are lot's of approximation models out there.
So I repeat: any help is appreciated. My Email if necessary is laurent.cavin - AT - (and I am on a trip most of August, so do not think that slow response time indicates low interest!)
Tx!!! ■