Non Stick Heavy Duty Liners..
we have a product "Cera Wear" which is a combination of rubber and ceramic, that has proven to be useful in similar applications. If you are keen to know more please email me and I shall be pleased to send you more details.
My email id is ""
Please give us more detailed information on the job / application for us to revert with an suitable engineered solution.
Manoj ■
Re: Non-Sticky Liners For Diamond Transfer Chutes
Hello Motsie
Please let me have this information:
1. material handled
2. lump sizes
3, density
4. angle of trough/chutes
5. drop height onto chutes
6. tonnes per hour
7. chute sizes (width, depth)
8. wet or dry
There are good liners on the market, but I need to have this information to help to find the best type.
Thanks ■
Non-Sticky Liners
Hello! What type of liners do you use? What size and quantity? The problem you are having is called "bridging" and usually occurs with fine powders. In metric ton bulk bags this can be resolved fairly easily however in large containers of 20ft or larger there are special designs to help eliminate this problem. We will be happy to work with you if you will give us more information please.
We manufacture many styles and designs of PE Film Liners and Woven Sewn Liners for exports. We have manufactured bulk bags for 20+ years and also sell small 25kg woven polypro bags.
Awaiting your response,
Andy Mintz
318-699-0501 Fax
318-348-8613 cell ■
Re: Non-Sticky Liners For Diamond Transfer Chutes
This is not a liner problem but a chute design problem. You will have to increase the material speed through the transfer to stop this. I have colleagues in South Africa that could help or you can send some basic details to me at
Colin Benjamin
Gulf Conveyor Systems P/L ■
Re: Non-Sticky Liners For Diamond Transfer Chutes
A proper response can be provided once the material properties, chute geomtry, belt configuration including idlers, and tonnage details are known.
Maybe the chute needs to be reconfigured, the head pulley position changed, belt speed increased or chute liner changed.
Why have you restricted the fix to a liner change?
If your product is fine ( P80<10 mm and D50< 1mm) and has high moisture (>12% surface), then the need is to minimize side wall contact.
If your product, in general, exceeds these specifications there are special low sliding friction liners which can be of help. Some HWPE and chrome liners can do a good job depending. ■
Re: Non-Sticky Liners For Diamond Transfer Chutes
I add, CDI has granular dynamics software that can provide flow belhavior, liner sensitivities, improvements in chute geometry, proper and improper modifications as demostrated by a physical model. See our website for some examples. ■
Non-sticky Liners for Diamond Transfer Chutes
I am running a diamond mine and my biggest problem is chute blockages.
I am looking for heavy duty non-sticky liners.
Your help is appreciated.
Motsie Kgwadi
Debswana Diamond Company
General plant foreman Day shift
Tel:+267 297 2716
Fax: +267 297 8170
Let's shape the future by pulling together! ■