Re: Definition For "Spile Bars"
Never heard the term "Spile Bars"?
Care to elaborate.... ■
Spile Bars/Coal/ Safe Overhead Working Conditions
A spile bar is used to block ore flow if the ore is oversized just as is done on a stationary grizzly/ore pass with a grate but it can be removed via air or hydraulic power if designed to do so.
The spile bar does not guarantee absolute shut off of flow as oversize may become jammed in the chute and when additional weight is applied from conveyor shut down or continued dumping the weight will eventually create enough force to drive the blockage through.
Here in the USA:
Working in ore chutes with ore overhead and physically separated by a partial barrier or a semi permanent barrier is not allowed per MSHA regulations and is not a good idea period because you have no control over the physical weight of the ore or its behavior at rest with a void underneath unless it is a knife gate that is locked out/locked closed and tagged out and de-energised.
The conveyor feeding the hopper must be locked out tagged out/de-energised. The hopper must be empty and the chute must be totally empty and the gate controlling same is locked out and tagged out and de-energised. The belt taking the ore away from the area must also be de-energised and locked out/tagged out then and only then is it possible to work in a chute if the ventilation is adequate.
My closest friend and a coworker died because of an oversight when they were sucked down an ore pass and buried alive. ■
Re: Definition For "Spile Bars"
Supplier of what product? ■
Re: Definition For "Spile Bars"
Dear Herman,
I agree with your definition and nature of control "spile bars" are used for. Typically they can be found under stockpiles on belt or apron feeders, under crusher surge pockets, and related equipment to isolate the material above the spile bar plane from maintenance working below the plane.
Sometimes they require hydraulic application to push the pile bar through the ore field and engage the far side spile bar support of a vertical containment wall. ■
Definition For "spile Bars"
We have a lot of discussions on the definition for spile bars.
Our definition is: "Spile bars are installed in a materials handling system to positively shut-off material flow to enable the safe working beneath the spile bars. This activation of the spile bars should be possible in normal flow conditions and in failure modes, which mean that the bars should and could be activated when the material flow has stopped (this condition is also known as that the material is dead). In some instances it is also used for regulating flow"
The supplier do not agree with this definition.
Please give comments if you disagree with this definition ■