The National Weighing & Sampling Association (NW&SA) is the leading bulk material weighing & sampling organization of North America. NW&SA is a non-profit organization for individuals, companies and other organizations interested in the advancement of proper weighing & sampling practices and the state-of-the-art in these technologies in industrial applications.
Our premier event is the NW&SA Annual Technical Meeting which takes place in August of each year. An initial announcement on the NW&SA Annual Technical Meeting is attached.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting me or through the NW&SA website at
The National Weighing & Sampling Association
The National Weighing & Sampling Association (NW&SA) is the leading bulk material weighing & sampling organization of North America. NW&SA is a non-profit organization for individuals, companies and other organizations interested in the advancement of proper weighing & sampling practices and the state-of-the-art in these technologies in industrial applications.
Our premier event is the NW&SA Annual Technical Meeting which takes place in August of each year. An initial announcement on the NW&SA Annual Technical Meeting is attached.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting me or through the NW&SA website at
Armistead Long
Phone 512/441-7570
Fax 512/441-0070
August 19-21, 2002
The Chattanoogan – Chattanooga, Tennessee
Monday, August 19, 2002
11:00 AM Registration
1:00 PM Welcome & Introductions by Attendees
Richard Desollar - National Weighing & Sampling Association
1:15 PM Tennessee Weights & Measures
2:00 PM Weighing & Sampling in the Grain Industry
2:45 PM Break
3:00 PM Light Bulk & Powder Sampling Equipment
Dick Bassett / Gustafson, Inc.*
3:45 PM Impact Flow Meters
Antoine Deproost - Thermo-Ramsey
4:30 PM Coal By-Products & Their Uses
Cheri Miller / Mike Sutton – TVA By-Products Division
5:30 PM Social Hour
Special live bluegrass music by ‘The Possum Hunters’
Tuesday, August 20, 2002
7:00 AM Continental Breakfast
Available outside the Amphitheatre Conference Room
8:00 AM A New Method of Scale Testing
Dan Earl - Rail Scale, Inc.
9:00 AM Apron Feeder Design & Application
Martin Yester - METSO Minerals
9:45 AM Weighing & Consuming Tires at LaFarge Cement
Filiberto Morales - LaFarge* ■