Chinese Society of Particuology presents overview of Chinese powder industry at Powtech, 2005
At a special session focusing on China, Dr. Fugen Zhang of the Chinese Society of Particuology (CSP) gave a presentation entitled "A Review of the Powder Industry and Technology in China". The presentation started with a summary of the work of the CSP which was formed to foster liaison and exchange amongst it's members whose work focuses on the science and technology of particles. Included in the presentation was a review of the major Chinese research institutes and universities involved in powder technology along with their main research themes. Dr. Zhang also reviewed the main market segments involved with powdered materials providing statistics on annual consumption and future trends. An important aspect of the presentation was the use of powder technology in the environmental protection and re-cycling industry which is of increasing importance in China. Finally, the presentation summarised statistics on the local suppliers of powder technology equipment in China.
OMEC Technology Co. Ltd was founded in 1993 by Mr. Li Zhao Bin and Dr. Albert Zhang. The company is based in Zhuhai, a city in Guangdong province in the south of China. The company is the market leader in particle size analysers in China in addition to manufacturing a range of micro-abrasive grits for use in precision manufacturing applications. Employing over 150 people, the company is located on a site with 35,000 m2 of space devoted to R&D and 66,700 m2 to manufacturing. Dr. Albert Zhang leads the company’s development efforts. Dr. Zhang is a leading expert in particle size analysis in China, a director of the Chinese Society of Particuology and vice chairman of it’s Particle Measurement Committee.
Chinese Powder Industry
Chinese Society of Particuology presents overview of Chinese powder industry at Powtech, 2005
At a special session focusing on China, Dr. Fugen Zhang of the Chinese Society of Particuology (CSP) gave a presentation entitled "A Review of the Powder Industry and Technology in China". The presentation started with a summary of the work of the CSP which was formed to foster liaison and exchange amongst it's members whose work focuses on the science and technology of particles. Included in the presentation was a review of the major Chinese research institutes and universities involved in powder technology along with their main research themes. Dr. Zhang also reviewed the main market segments involved with powdered materials providing statistics on annual consumption and future trends. An important aspect of the presentation was the use of powder technology in the environmental protection and re-cycling industry which is of increasing importance in China. Finally, the presentation summarised statistics on the local suppliers of powder technology equipment in China.
OMEC Technology Co. Ltd was founded in 1993 by Mr. Li Zhao Bin and Dr. Albert Zhang. The company is based in Zhuhai, a city in Guangdong province in the south of China. The company is the market leader in particle size analysers in China in addition to manufacturing a range of micro-abrasive grits for use in precision manufacturing applications. Employing over 150 people, the company is located on a site with 35,000 m2 of space devoted to R&D and 66,700 m2 to manufacturing. Dr. Albert Zhang leads the company’s development efforts. Dr. Zhang is a leading expert in particle size analysis in China, a director of the Chinese Society of Particuology and vice chairman of it’s Particle Measurement Committee.
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