Re: Dust Management - Agglomeration
Austek has set-up agglomeration plants for minerals - not coal but this experience may be of interest ■
Re: Dust Management - Agglomeration
You may care to contact Ross Hocking of Reynolds Soil Technologies.
08 9 358 2511
They specialise in dust supression and are doing some work in the coal area at present. ■
Coal Pile Sealing
Dear jplanner,
Benetech has been providing chemical and mechanical products for dust suppression for more than twenty years.
Our experience entails the sealing of coal piles to prevent dust lift-off and erosion.
To receive our documentation please contact:
Benetech GmbH
Karl Liebknecht Str. 27
D-06682 Deuben
Tel : +49-(0)34441-445-0
Fax : +49-(0)34441-445-20
Email: benetech@gmx.de ■
Dust Bind
If you contact POLOCITRUS in Australia, they have a product wich is protecting the good from blowing off.
Please speak to Mr Brett Aisen
Greetings from Arne Kenneth , Norway ■
Re: Dust Management - Agglomeration
Good Day,
Please feel free to contact me at any time, I am MD of Benetech SA and would be happy to assist.
Kind Regards
Andy Miller
+ 27 13 6974617 (Tel)
+ 27 832510697 (Cell)
www.benetechusa.com ■
San Antonio - Chile
Dear Mr Miller.
Our problems is basically to find out the best economical solution to unload 100.000 tons of Coal with our traditional equipment that is normally used to move 1.700.000 tons/year of different products most of then for Human consume.
My first impression is that we can´t unload coal because the time we need to clean all the system will be a lot .
Mainly if you consider that the berth of Puerto Panul is not big enough for more than one ship every time, we have 70% of the 365 days / year full of load and the penalties if we stop the ship because clean process are too much.
You have an idea the chemical product to be used to clean all the system to be ready for other product.
Many Thanks. ■
Dust Management-Agglomeration
We are presently involved in coal agglomeration in Kazakhstan-dealing with waste fines-using chemical binders. ■
Re: Dust Management - Agglomeration
Dear JPlanner'
For 28 years our experience and activities include sealing of coal stockpiles for dust control, erosion control, prevention of moisture penetration and prevention of internal combustion.
Please visit our web site www.soilsement.com which will take you direct to the correct location in our main web site www.midwestind.com
For more info contact
Barry Devo - International Business Development Manager
Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc
Canton, Ohio, USA
Tel 330 456 3121
Fax 330 456 3247 ■
Dust Control Coal Stockpiles
For dust you need an emulsion which gives no trouble burning it.
Therefor we advise to go for "permanent dust control via surface treatment using low-emission, easily combustible binders".
If you want more information about this subject feel free to contact:
Mr. dr. ir. B. J. Lommerts
company: Latexfalt - The Netherlands
web: www.latexfalt.com ■
Supplier Emulsion
I am sorry but I saw on the website of Latexfalt that it is not in English.
Their address is below and of course you can contact them in Eglish, German or Dutch.
Latexfalt B.V.
Hoogewaard 183 - 2396 AP - Koudekerk a/d Rijn
Postbus 6 - 2396 ZG - Koudekerk a/d Rijn
Tel: + 31 71-3419108
Fax: + 31 71-3415946
Email: info@latexfalt.com ■
Dust Suppression Agent
Dear jplanner,
The industry is turning toward synthetic copolymer emuslions to actively solve their dust suppression problems. These unique eco-safe chemicals have several advantages over traditional suppressants.
As the manufacturer of Soiltac (soil stabilizer and dust control agent), I encourage you to visit our site at www.soiltac.com or www.soilworks.com to learn more about your options.
I encourage your questions and look forward to hearing from you.
Chad Falkenberg
Soilworks, LLC (mfg of Soiltac)
681 N. Monterey St., Suite #101
Gilbert, Arizona 85233-3818
(800) 545-5420 toll free
(480) 545-5454 main
(480) 545-5456 fax
www.soilworks.com / www.soiltac.com
chad@soilworks.com / chad@soiltac.com ■
Dust Suppression
Reynolds Soil Technologies have been specialising in Dust control, Erosion control and Soil Stabilisation in the mines, civil earthworks and agricultural industries for over 15 years. Be careful of companies that offer a one product solution. RST make products that are effective for specific applications allowing for different soil and water types. ■
Dust Control Materials
I recommend considering the dust control agents manufactured by Soilworks, LLC.
Their products include:
** Soiltac - copolymer soil stabilizer and dust control agent
** Durasoil - ultra-pure synthetic organic dust control fluid
** Surtac - Patented Dept. of Defense liquid dust abatement technology.
Soilworks holds Federal GSA contracts for the United States government and currently provides their entire product line to support Operation Iraqi Freedom and the current rebuilding efforts throughout the Middle East.
Soilworks offers Free samples of their products for testing and evaluation purposes. Visit them online at www.soilworks.com , www.soiltac.com and www.durasoil.com .
Good Luck.
Dust Suppression
Dear Sir,
We have pleasure to inform you that we are manufacturing speciality chemicals for various industrial applications. We have Dust Suppression products range 'DUSTRON' for the dust suppression in mining operation for haulage road in open cast mines and for the bulk material handling systems.
We have a Memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Central Mining Research Institute (CMRI) Dhanbad, India which is a part of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research Govt. of India. CMRI is the world recognised institute for the research in the field of mining operation.
The following products are approved and accepted by the Indian Mining Industries since last 10 years for better environmental and mining conditions.
1. DUSTRON PC Compound: For the open cast mines haul road where the dust emission is because of heavy earth movers of high capacity trucks Dozzer, Tippler etc. DUSTRON PC is used for various classes of mines in India for dust suppression in the mines as below.
(1) Iron Ore Mines
(2) Zinc Mines
(3) Lime Stone Mines
(4) Copper/Chromite Mines
2. DUSTRON PC COAL: For the open cast mines haul road of collieries, railway sidings and coal jetty's road of the ports.
3. DUSTRON PC LIGNITE: For the haulage roads of lignite open cast mines.
4. DUSTRON XT: This product is used for the dust suppression of bulk material handling system where at the transfer point crusher house, dumper platform dust emission is heavy, so along with water spray DUSTRON XT is used to control dust emission.
5. DUSTRON XT COAL: For bulk material handling system of conveyors, dumper platform, wagon tipplers of open cast/ under ground mines, Thermal power plants and coal jetty on the port trust.
All the above products are used in Indian mining industries to control dust for better environment & working conditions which produce number. of advantages.
We hope that you might be consuming a product for similar application. "Using DUSTRON RANGE OF PRODUCTS SAVINGS IN WATER is 40%" with other benefits.
If you find any interest we shall send you the detail literature for your reference along with quotation.
We ensure you to provide you best services and technical back-up to your mines for dust suppression applications.
Awaiting your valued inquiry.
Dipali Shah
N R D Industries (nrd@juno.com0 ■
Re: Dust Management - Agglomeration
The best suggestion would be to research what the professionals in the same industry are using. Also, due to new laws you must consider using as soon as possible a solution that is certified as being 100% environmentally friendly. On a cost to value ratio the most effective solution would be to use the same product that the largest mining company and the largest construction site on earth are using and that is Dust Stop. You can find the relevant information on the web site www.cypherltd.com and any of the companies technical experts would be pleased to assist you with any questions that you may have. Hope this helps.
Norm ■
Wind Fence Is A Better Solution
We are currently conducting a test program to determine if chemical agglomeration would be effective for dust management at the Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal, Queensland, Australia.
I would be pleased to receive information from any user or supplier of chemicals with current experience in chemical agglomeration of coal fines to minimise dust liftoff from coal stockpiles during strong wind conditions.
If you've got some capital money available for this project, you will be well served to consider wind fence rather than chemical. There is almost no operating cost involved and very little maintenance. Dust loss due to wind is reduced by the cube of the reduction in wind velocity.
Dust loss during stacking and reclaiming is another consideration. Wind fence is great for a static pile but the dynamic operations have to be controlled with chemical or water. If water works in those situations, then wind fence and plain water systems is the most cost effective solution. If water is not sufficient during stacking and reclaiming, then chemical is required but it must be a 100% treatment, not just a surface treatment.
We are suppliers of fog based dust control (USA Based) but we work closely with WeatherSolve for wind fences (Canadian based) and RST (Gold Coast) for chemical solutions. Dust Management Services in Perth represents all three of us. I see a post from RST in this thread. ■
Look At All The Possibilities
If you've got some capital money available for this project, you will be well served to consider wind fence rather than chemical. There is almost no operating cost involved and very little maintenance. Dust loss due to wind is reduced by the cube of the reduction in wind velocity.
Dust loss during stacking and reclaiming is another consideration. Wind fence is great for a static pile but the dynamic operations have to be controlled with chemical or water. If water works in those situations, then wind fence and plain water systems is the most cost effective solution. If water is not sufficient during stacking and reclaiming, then chemical is required but it must be a 100% treatment, not just a surface treatment.
We are suppliers of fog based dust control (USA Based) but we work closely with WeatherSolve for wind fences (Canadian based) and RST (Gold Coast) for chemical solutions. Dust Management Services in Perth represents all three of us. I see a post from RST in this thread. ■
Dust Management - Agglomeration
Dust management by use of chemical agglomeration was used in Coal Export Terminals in the Ports of Newcastle and Port Kembla, Australia during the period 1976 - 1983, and then discontinued as it was found that moisture control was effective.
We are currently conducting a test program to determine if chemical agglomeration would be effective for dust management at the Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal, Queensland, Australia.
I would be pleased to receive information from any user or supplier of chemicals with current experience in chemical agglomeration of coal fines to minimise dust liftoff from coal stockpiles during strong wind conditions. ■