The company owner, Ged Begley is a grain handling and cereal milling technologist based in Scotland.
Ged has extensive hands on, in depth, worldwide experience in both production and process engineering in grain based industries from flour milling through to the production of beverage ethanol.
Specialist knowledge and extensive experience in Wheat Debranning, Wheat Gluten Processing, and the Scotch Whisky Industry.
Safety – especially practical guidance on Dust Explosion*Protection,*ATEX/DSEAR compliance, Dust Explosion risk assessments and Basis of Safety Surveys for potentially explosive dusts .Extensive knowledge and experience*of*Dust Explosion Protection in the*Scotch Whisky industry.
Plant Design –including equipment selection, procurement, and preparation of tender documents.
Technical Training and Development –for production and technical staff.
Plant efficiency and optimisation – to maximise efficiency and yields and minimise costs.
Begley Consulting
Begley Consulting – Grain & Milling Technology
The company owner, Ged Begley is a grain handling and cereal milling technologist based in Scotland.
Ged has extensive hands on, in depth, worldwide experience in both production and process engineering in grain based industries from flour milling through to the production of beverage ethanol.
Specialist knowledge and extensive experience in Wheat Debranning, Wheat Gluten Processing, and the Scotch Whisky Industry.
Safety – especially practical guidance on Dust Explosion*Protection,*ATEX/DSEAR compliance, Dust Explosion risk assessments and Basis of Safety Surveys for potentially explosive dusts .Extensive knowledge and experience*of*Dust Explosion Protection in the*Scotch Whisky industry.
Plant Design –including equipment selection, procurement, and preparation of tender documents.
Technical Training and Development –for production and technical staff.
Plant efficiency and optimisation – to maximise efficiency and yields and minimise costs.
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