Re: Design Standard
Hi Helmut;
ISO 5049 is a worldwide standard and, as such, is acceptable in the US. However, the knowledge of this document is very limited so, when approaching the client, be prepared to describe the features and benefits of the standard. Most consultants involved in marine projects (and materials handling machines) understand the specification and will usually name it in the tender documents. Always keep in mind that specifications written in the USA focus on automobile manufacture and steel / concrete buildings so there is a real need to employ 5049. There is no eqiuilvalent in the US (or many other countries). Further, it is a disadvantage to the client if it is not employed.
Hope this was of some help.
Steve ■
Re: Design Standard
Dear Steve
Thank you for your reponse to my question.
That the ISO standard is not well known in the US seems to be reflected in a machine I came across recently that was designed to what appeared to be a building standard.
In turn, that a machine was designed to a building code gives credence to your assertion that the client needs to be strongly prompted and informed about the ISO code.
A bulk handling machine designed to a building code is nothing short of scary. In the particular case above, the saving grace was that the earthquake loads were severe enough to be more critical, or at least nearly as critical, as all other load cases described in ISO5049. The lesson is a strong one.
regards Helmut ■
Design Standard
I would be interested to know which design standard is used for bulk-handling machines in the USA.
The ISO equivalent would be ISO5049/1 "Mobile Continuous Bulk Handling Equipment- Part 1: Rules for the Design of Structures".
Could somebody drop a line on this? ■