Idler assembly improvement


i need help related idler assebly improment.

each componant of idler material and (size or shape).

Basic problem is Misalignment and Lubrication ( ofter testing some amount of water is acumlated in bearing house near to bearing ) .

i drawing of labyrinth (Inear ant outer) , back seal , weather cap


layout for idler holl process.

Please replay if you know or any information available send

thank you

D. Y. khadgi

Idler Design

Erstellt am 12. Oct. 2006 - 04:52

Mr. Hananjay,

unless your troughing idler and return idler bearings are sealed you will have problems with moisture. It is a problem in a high moisture/high humidty environment in any case.

If your bearings are open on both sides which is what I personally suspect it will allow moisture to pass through and remain in the idlers.

Idealy in any case you should haver bearings that are sealed on one side to retain grease and have the ability to purge the old grease and moisture from the bearing.

Please forward your drawings to and I will be able to tell you right away if they are properly designed-it may be as simple as machining clearances r poor machining, poor bearing quality, or poorly desinged/built idler frames.

please foward the drawings for the idler frames as well if possible.