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3.1053547, 101.5921705

Jian Liang Chong
Sales Director, Sales
No. 17, Jalan Ss7/26
Kelana Jaya, Petaling Jaya (Selangor) 47301
+60 0 374 923 800
+60 0 374 923 801
About Jian Liang Chong

Supplier to cement, steel, port and coal-fired power industries since 1997.

Know-how and experience:
1. Silo cleaning management.
2. Maintenance service contracts.
3. Belt conveyor maintenance solutions.
4. Rotary kiln maintenance solutions.
5. Industrial vacuum systems.
6. Heavy duty mechanical power transmission.

Fields of Consulting work:
1. Belt conveyor maintenance solutions.
2. Rotary kiln maintenance solutions.
3. Industrial vacuum systems.

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