Born 12 July 1965
HTL in Waidhofen, Austria, 1984 graduated.
1999 habilitation into Dipl.Ing.(HTL)
1985-2000 designer for Screening Machines and developing engineer.
2001 Senior technician in a mobile crushing plant company.
2001 Peytec OEG was founded. Developing of a new flip-flop screening machine.
Designing and installing of specialised vibrating equipment. Pat.No. 411326
Membership: "Fachverband der techn. Büros, Ingenieurbüros Österreich"
Membership: "Fachverband der allgemein beeideten und gerichtlich zertifizierten Sachverständigen Österreichs"
Hobbies: military historical studies
Know-how and experience:
Application of all kind of vibrating equipment. Screening, Crushing, Conveying technologies.
Fields of Consulting work:
Complete plant layout, complete plant designing, detail desinging steel construction. Static calculation. License manufacturing of peytec-products in oversea-coutries. Manufacturing of vibrating equipment. Installation of vibarting and crushing equipment.