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-37.9707985, 145.2007916

Harold Coles
30 Adelaide Street, Dandenong
Melbourne (VIC) 3175
+61 3 979 162 22
+61 3 979 249 40
About Harold Coles

Born 30th July 1942, Melbourne, Australia
Diploma of Mechanical Engineering.
Certificate of Mechanical Engineering.
Qualified tradesman.

Know-how and experience:
Started career as a tradesman, then drafting, then project engineering, then as a design engineer. Currently employed with Jaybee Design Engineers. Experienced materials handling engineer in many feilds, such as, Feed milling process design & machine deign, sugar stoage & handling equipment, Pet food & extrusion processing, malting haandling in malt houses & breweries, bulk flour handling and biscuit plants, Hop pelleting plants, wood chip & wood waste hanling systems.
Working Experience mainly in Australia and also in countries such as China, most South East Asian countries, USA and Europe.

Fields of Consulting work:
Wood waste products.
All types of Sugar products.
Feed Milling equipment & process.
Malt handling conveyors.
Pneumatic conveyors.
Elevating & conveying equipment.

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