Application of explosion prevention techniques on silos

Posted in: , on 16. Aug. 2007 - 11:05

Our plant has 12 silos at 310m3 and 12 silos at 450m3. They hold high density polyethylene. They do not have explosion panels but do have an air inlet filter housing with a vaccum breaker.

The calculations that I have done estimate the relief area required to be within 12 - 15m2. The problem being that the silos are within a couple of metres of each other (preventing panels on the side of the silos) and there is considerable walkways on the roof (hindering panels on the roof).

Hence I am looking at explosion prevention. I am interested in removing/reducing static rather than inerting due to the variable costs involved. I had come across a company called Valitec who had the technology to suppress electrostatic charge in some applications but have since not been able to contact the company.

Can anyone suggest a solution to my problem, have similar technology or can get me in touch with Valitec?



Re: Application Of Explosion Prevention Techniques On Silos

Posted on 16. Aug. 2007 - 09:57

Electrostatics is one of the sources for ignition and probably the most blamed one. Personally I think there will still be substantial risk after electrostatic elimination and other ignition sources will pose a risk. Since venting/ inerting is ruled out and they are existing silos, pressure resistance is out of question you are left with suppression option.

Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Application Of Explosion Prevention Techniques On Silos

Posted on 16. Aug. 2007 - 10:20

Found this on Google:



(not verified)

Protecting Silos

Posted on 17. Aug. 2007 - 08:32

I agree with Mantoo that other risks need to be addressed. There are possible solutions to your venting dilemma as your situation in general is hardly unique. But without some details, I can not say such conclusively. If you care to contact me with further information, I will be happy to assist in whatever way I can.

Xavier de Gea
(not verified)

Re: Application Of Explosion Prevention Techniques On Silos

Posted on 30. Oct. 2007 - 11:45

We can help you!

our dades are at