Re: Traveling Tripper
Pls contact David Beckley for his article published some time ago
James ■
David Beckley
Do you remember what the title of the report was.
How should I contact David.
Kind Regards,
Gareth ■
Re: Traveling Tripper
I can not remember but it was circa 1990.
David is a member of this forum....U can send him an email acc.
James - Below ios a half baked spec fyi..
The tripper shall comprise a four wheeled main unit with a trailer section that is pin supported from the main unit and supported by two non-driven wheels at the other end. The trailer shall serve to support the leading tripper carry idlers. In no case shall three wheel sets be supported from a rigid frame.
The tripper shall be mounted on single flanged wheels and motorised for a longitudinal travel velocity, in forward or reverse direction, of 0.5 m/sec on rails running parallel to the conveyor.
The wheels shall be fabricated from cast steel and designed in accordance with the crane design codes.
Drive shall be transmitted through the two most heavily laden wheels. The drive shall be designed to accelerate and stop the tripper without wheel slippage. The coefficient of friction between the rail and wheel shall be based on wet conditions. The drive shall be designed to account for the variation in loads with conveyor loading, direction of travel and a stationary conveyor.
A power release brake shall be incorporated into the drive to hold the tripper in a fixed position when no power is being supplied to the drive motor then automatically release when power is re-applied. The brake shall be designed to stop the tripper without wheel slippage during all possible operating conditions including a broken conveyor belt. Actuated storm anchors shall be fitted to the tripper where the drive brake is not suitable.
The conveyor belt line along the tripper shall have one or more radii to suit the following design criteria for any tripper location, belt cover condition or conveyor loading:
ƒrBelt lift-off during conveyor start-up will not occur with the belt loaded at 20% capacity or more.
ƒrThe belt does not lift off the last three idlers preceding the tripper head pulley during an empty start.
ƒrBelt edge buckling does not occur at any position along the tripper during normal loaded running and stopping.
The tripper shall be fitted with a belt hold down roller to limit belt lift during empty running. The roller shall feature two spaced wheels to avoid material interference during low conveying rates.
The tripper bend pulley shall be located so that, under any condition as described above, the belt does:
ƒrNot contact any part of the tripper such as wheel axles etc.
ƒrNot lift the last three idlers preceding the conveyor drive pulley.
The conveyor belt line shall be designed to prevent belt lift up into the loading skirts under all possible operating conditions. As a guide, the loading area should be inclined up towards the tripper. ■
Re: Traveling Tripper
Yes I did write an article some 20 years ago and I will send you a copy. I also talk a fair bit about tripper design in my belt conveyor enginerining courses. Believe me there is a lot to designing a successful tripper and our design evolved over a number of years. My experience with trippers was mainly in the hard rock mining industry where they are often used to distribute material to screen feed hoppers. Much of what I wrote 20 years ago still applies, however we initially used hydraulic drives and later went to 4 quadrant VVVF drives. The secret to designing succesful trippers is to use railway wheels that have a self tracking action and this eliminates flange binding problems. We have used 970 mm dia railway wheels for loads up to 150 KN and they last for years. The wheel surface can also be induction hardened. The other secrets are the design of the compound approach curve for the belt profile, accurate axle and pulley alignment and good lateral balance.
I will contact you by email direct.
Dave Beckley
Conveyor Design Consultants of WA
Perth, Western Australia.
david.beckley@cdcwa.com.au ■
Design Of Travelling Tripper
Dear GarethBlakey
Belt tripper is a equipment for discharing material on side of belt We can furnish you tripper design . you can send your requirement to us
Re: Traveling Tripper
Dear Mr. Gareth Blakey,
For designing travelling tripper, first you have to make the layout for tripper. The first layout is view perpendicular to the head pulley of the tripper. This will show the tripper head pulley and the arrangement of chute. The chute is part of the tripper and hence it is moving item. This chute should clear the rail and fixed structures by clearance of few inches. The cross section as said above will decide the height of tripper (tripper lift).
Having known the tripper lift, you have to choose the inclination for tripper zone, as allowed for the material being conveyed. You can make the tripper elevation view using the above lift, inclination and allowable concave radius based on the belt tension.
The tripper elevation view as fixed above, is to be supported by suitable number of wheels. The fundamental need of the design is that there should be positive load on all wheels in all situations (if load becomes negative, then tripper becomes unstable). Also one has to see the variation in wheel load due to deformation of the frame in conjunction with manufacturing and installation tolerance of tripper itself and supporting rails.
As Mr. David has responded, the tripper design is a subject demanding certain expertise and experience. If your tripper is of very serious nature (big tripper), you may think of taking technical support, from experienced people, as convenient to you.
Ishwar G Mulani.
Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.
Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.
Email : parimul@pn2.vsnl.net.in
Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25882916 ■
Dear David
dave I am interested in information for designing a tripper to make stacks of coal, could you tell me if the information that you have for this is free or you can send me a quote to obtain information to design a tripper. My personal email is emaldonado@cempro.com
best regards ■
Re: Traveling Tripper
You may want to contact Dave directly by his email listed in his post. Dave hasn't been on this site in over 2 years. This thread is 7 years old as well. ■
Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Email: garyblenkhorn@gmail.com
Linkedin Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-blenkhorn-6286954b
Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.
Tripper Car
For designing travelling tripper, first you have to make the layout for tripper. The first layout is view perpendicular to the head pulley of the tripper. This will show the tripper head pulley and the arrangement of chute. The chute is part of the tripper and hence it is moving item. This chute should clear the rail and fixed structures by clearance of few inches. The cross section as said above will decide the height of tripper (tripper lift).
Having known the tripper lift, you have to choose the inclination for tripper zone, as allowed for the material being conveyed. You can make the tripper elevation view using the above lift, inclination and allowable concave radius based on the belt tension.
The tripper elevation view as fixed above, is to be supported by suitable number of wheels. The fundamental need of the design is that there should be positive load on all wheels in all situations (if load becomes negative, then tripper becomes unstable). Also one has to see the variation in wheel load due to deformation of the frame in conjunction with manufacturing and installation tolerance of tripper itself and supporting rails.
As Mr. David has responded, the tripper design is a subject demanding certain expertise and experience. If your tripper is of very serious nature (big tripper), you may think of taking technical support, from experienced people, as convenient to you.
Ishwar G Mulani.
Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.
Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.
Email : parimul@pn2.vsnl.net.in
Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25882916
Dear Sir Ishwar,
Im designing right now a enclosed coal yard in my country. However, the client recommends a tripper car unloading system inside the said coal yard in order to maximize the space. May i ask the following:
1. What is the maximum height that a tripper car can be used? Is it still possible for a 15 meter high coal yard?
2. Does it require a dust suppresor?
3. What is the rated output of the tripper car?
Thanks and more power.
Best Regards,
Chris Ornum ■
Coal Stockpiles Et. Al.
Im designing right now a enclosed coal yard in my country. However, the client recommends a tripper car unloading system inside the said coal yard in order to maximize the space. May i ask the following:
1. What is the maximum height that a tripper car can be used? Is it still possible for a 15 meter high coal yard?
2. Does it require a dust suppresor?
3. What is the rated output of the tripper car?
Thanks and more power.
Best Regards,
Chris Ornum
Dear Mr. Ornum,
About your inquiry;
Your getting into territory that requires paying a
consultant as you have provided us with general questions.
We cannot realistically give you this information for many reasons including:
What infrastructure is available or planned to be in place prior to construction?..................................................
What available rail heads or roads are available for use or will they have to be constructed?.....................................
The unknown actual budget for the system and what working capital is available as
systems are designed and built on a commision basis in most cases.
What are the environmental laws pertaining to coal stock piles and the pollution they create(if any) as the
waste water will have to be managed and treated for contaminants and safely discharged to a
water course or drying beds or not...................................................................................
What is the square area available for use in creating the covered stockpile?......................................
Have soil cores been drilled to determine the sites suitablity for same?...........................................
You cannot realistically put anything on sandy soils without pilings/sheet pilings/
concrete bases/adequate stone base fills and concrete for the floor.
Is there going to be a drawdown gallery and a reclaim conveyor or
are you simply planning on pushing to a central drawdown point
with a takeaway conveyor???.......................................................................................
Until a reclaim system is decided upon the issue is mute as well...............................
The height limit of the building is simply one of ones budget constraints and the
type of soil it sits on as the building will occupy quite a bit of area as the
concrete bases for the roof supports and any vertical I beams used for same.
The other issue is will the conveyor will be roof supported or mounted on
monopiles with vertical steel support frames under the buildings centerline
to take advantage of gravity to spill coal a way from the tripper??????????????????????????......................................
Height is an advantage only as long as it can be taken advantage of as coal can
only be stockpiled with a maximum of 24 degrees of slope at any length or distance from the tripper.
This point is also MUTE until the building width is known and whether the walls of the building will be
reinforced to stop any sidewall loading.
What if anything has been determined about the coal off loading
area or is the reclaim pile to be situated at mine mouth??????..........
You will need dust suppression and that will require much work as there
is no simple answer because the water supply is an unlnow factor and the
total budget is an unknown................................................................
The Other issue being fire suppression because you will require explosion proof lighting and wiring IF this is required in the clients country. The Point is mute until more is known regarding rules and regulations for the clients country as far as fire prevention........................
As far a belt size is concerned for a tripper car that is also unknown until the amount of ACTUAL working capital available for the project is known............................................................................................... ...........................................................
There are many members on the forum that can and will help you with these issues
but you will need to be much more definitive and open with your inquiries as many
hours of PAID FOR will be required for this project if it is to come to fruition.
There is too much information that is lacking to make even basic assumptions
or to offer "paid for" preliminary designs.
Help us to help us help you!!!!! ■
Travelling Tripper
I agree with many of the comments here. Yet, there are numerous travelling trippers that have been built without regard for the rules, especially with regard to the three vertical curves:
1) Uplift curve: Maximum belt tension with empty belt (only locally empty for the sake of the uplift curve determination
2) Loaded approaching curve: Minimum belt tension with loaded belt
3) Connecting convex curve: between, tangent to the above curves, minimum tension is the basis for center buckling, maximum tension is the basis for edge over-stress
Failure to adhere to these rules has resulted in trippers that offer no support or guidance to the belt, allowing it to flail freely in the breeze, or abrupt upturns that result in belt failures at the idler junction. Too often the latter is blamed on the idler junction when in fact it is due to poor design of the travelling tripper.
We are presently in the middle of a travelling tripper design. We will be happy to design yours under contract.
Joe Dos Santos ■
Traveling Tripper Information
i have all the information and drawings for this traveling tripper if you want i can sent to you a quotation for this information.
best regards.
my email:
I have been designing conveyors for about 2 months.
I am trying to design a traveling tripper that runs ontop of a stockpile inside a shed
The material is iron ore fines
I am unable to find any information on travelling tripper design.
Can anyone help me locate some good information.[/QUOTE] ■
Traveling Tripper
Dear all
I have been designing conveyors for about 2 months.
I am trying to design a traveling tripper that runs ontop of a stockpile inside a shed
The material is iron ore fines
I am unable to find any information on travelling tripper design.
Can anyone help me locate some good information. ■