Dr. Andrew W. Jenike, 1914-2003

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Posted in: , on 20. Aug. 2003 - 10:38

Dear Colleague

I have the sad duty to inform you that Andy Jenike passed away on Friday, August 8.

Andy was an inspiration to all of us. His keen technical mind, excellent practical insight, good business sense and boundless energy advanced the field of bulk solids handling more than any other individual has ever done. I couldn't have asked for a better mentor for myself and all the many other engineers (and non-engineers) with whom he came in contact. He was demanding, but no more so than he expected of himself. He valued each employee, and was always looking for ways to make things better for everyone. The fact that so many of us have stayed with the company as long as we have is tribute to the ideals and policies that he established and ingrained in each of us.

As most of you know, Andy incurred severe head injuries in a terrible automobile accident in 1987. This affected his memory and ability to focus his eyes when reading. Following this he suffered for many years with the debilitating effects of Alzheimer's disease. Having struggled for so many years, his passing is a relief since he is no longer suffering. But even in death his memory lives on. He accomplished what few in this world have achieved, and for this we can all be eternally grateful.

I have passed our condolences to his wife Una, who has held up well in spite of this very long ordeal, and to his sons Michael and Ian. If you care to send a card, her address is Edgewood Retirement Center, Apt 3102, 575 Osgood St, Andover MA 01845

John W. Carson, Ph.D.


Jenike & Johanson, Inc.

One Technology Park Dr.

Westford MA 01886-3189

voice: 978/392-0300 x103

fax: 978/392-9980


Attached is an article about Andy that will appear in our next Newsletter.

Dr. Andrew W. Jenike, 1914-2003

It is with immense sadness that we report the death of Dr. Andrew Jenike, one of the founders of Jenike & Johanson, Inc. Dr. Jenike was widely recognized for his invaluable contribution to the field of bulk solids handling.

Dr. Jenike graduated from the Warsaw Polytechnic Institute with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, in 1939. Upon graduation, he entered the Polish Army where he served with distinction as an officer during World War II. In 1949 he obtained his Ph.D. in Structural Engineering from the University of London. Shortly thereafter, Dr. Jenike immigrated to Canada, and later to the United States. Approaching the age of 40, he had an urge to find a field in which he could make a unique and significant engineering and scientific contribution. After a year of study and research, he chose bulk solids flow, specifically flow in bins and hoppers. His primary motivation for choosing this field over the 40 or so others that he considered, was the low level of technology that existed at the time. Most hoppers were either 45? or 60?, because most engineers had a 45? and a 30?-60?-90? triangle in their desk. No consideration of flow properties entered into the selection of hopper geometry or material of construction. With financial assistance of the Engineering Foundation, National Science Foundation, and the American Iron and Steel Institute, he set up the Bulk Solids Flow Laboratory at the University of Utah. He entered full time private practice in 1962, and in 1966, he organized Jenike & Johanson, Inc., putting his knowledge and insight to work solving numerous industrial bulk solids handling problems.

Dr. Jenike was known worldwide as the originator of modern day bulk solids flow theory. Through his research, Dr. Jenike was able to identify and define mass flow, identify basic flow properties of bulk solids, design equipment to measure flow properties, recognize that feeder design affects flow behavior in bins, develop techniques to predict limiting flow rates from bins, and develop equations to predict loading on bin walls.

In recognition of his pioneering efforts, Dr. Jenike received the Humboldt Scholarship in 1976; in 1989 he was elected Fellow of the ASME; in 1993 he received the Solids Handling Award from the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, the first non-U.K. person to do so; and in 1998 he received the Particle Technology Award from AIChE.

In addition to Dr. Jenike's research and development work, he lectured extensively, authored numerous publications, and worked as a consultant for 25 years. Almost every significant technical paper written in the last 40 years, having to do with bulk solids flow, references one or more of Dr. Jenike's publications. It is impossible to estimate the number of bins, hoppers, and feeders that have been built, based on the sound principles and design guidelines developed by Dr. Jenike.

On behalf of the staff at Jenike & Johanson, we would like to extend our heartfelt condolences to Una, Dr. Jenike's wife of 60 years, as well as to the rest of his family.

Ed. note: In this limited space, it is not possible to properly credit Dr. Jenike with the accomplishments he has achieved, and describe the positive impact he has had on numerous businesses as well as many individuals. And maybe such a task is not truly necessary. His work, and the memories that others share will live on, for a long time.

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