Instant Answers
Hi B N Singh,
Welcome to bulk materials handling.
The first thing you have learned by now is that you don't get instant answers on the Forum - not even from Sales Representatives. If you have an urgent issue
1 - Do a web search
2 - Find out who manufactures the equipment you have in mind. Then get on the phone and talk to their Sales Staff or Technical Department
3 - Try doing a search on this Forum. Sometimes, if you are lucky, the topic may have been discussed previously
4 - Check out the eDirectory on this page
With Wagon Tipplers or Track Hoppers, don't assume that just because you are in India the original equipment was designed in India. It may well have been designed in UK, Germany, or USA, and built in Japan. So look for the leaders in the field, and ask them. Their Technical Department will be happy to get an enquiry from you.
If they can't help, ask them to advise you who can.
Regards - John.Rz ■
Re: Track Hopper Vs Wagon Tippler
Dear Shri B N Singh,
If you are dealing with a very high capacity bulk material handling plant, wherein manual unloading from hopper and discharging into track hopper, is not feasible then the choice between wagon tippler or track hopper is already decided indirectly by railways in India. So you can try to know the advantage and disadvantage of each systems but then as I said, the type to be used will depend upon railways in India.
In India, many of the coal mines are located at a great distance from location of consumption. For example if you are referring a thermal power station in Punjab, then coal might be arriving from Bihar or Madhya Pradesh which may be 1000 to 2000 kms away. For such a great distance, so far Indian Railways was not preferring to supply the coal by bottom discharge wagons. Hence, one has to use wagon tippler installation by per force. If you are concerned with a power station close to the mine then you can have a bottom discharge type wagon merry-go-round system and you can have a track unloading hopper.
In the event of hypothetical situation if both the type of wagons are available then the choice of the system would be more by preference. A properly designed and selected wagon tippler installation or track unloading hopper have to perform satisfactorily. One has to see the economy, ground water level, quantum of underground installation, allergy (non preference) of some plant users in context of underground installation etc.
Ishwar G Mulani.
Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.
Author of Book : Belt Feeder Design and Hopper Bin Silo
Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.
Pune, India.
Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25871916 ■
Wagon Tippler Vs Track Hopper
Dear Mr. Singh,
Now the trand of INDIAN railway to bring imported materails by BOXN & that of indigenious is by BOBRN. So both track hopper & wagon tippler you have to use.
A.Banerjee ■
Wagon Unloading
There are some options for unloading rail wagons received in rake loads.
The attached file give some information
Re: Track Hopper Vs Wagon Tippler
Please refer the following link in this forum
P K Venugopalan ■
Unloading Camparison Chart
Please see attached
href="" title="Name: Unloading comparision chart.pdfViews: 1494Size: 10.5 KB">Unloading comparision chart.pdf ■
Re: Track Hopper Vs Wagon Tippler
Dear Shri B N Singh and Others,
I have already given one reply in this forum.
If the issue is choice of wagon tippler unloading system or track hopper unloading system, then I would like to mention that both these systems are tried and tested for practical use and working at many places in India and across the world. So technically both the systems are workable.
As for India, the use of wagon tippler unloading system is quite numerous compared to track hopper unloading system. Possibly there are more than 150 wagon tippler unloading systems in various power systems owned by state electricity boards and NTPC, etc. The track unloading hopper system came late due to coal supply policy of Indian railway. Many of the NTPC plants have track hopper unloading systems by merry go round railway specific to the plant.
The final option is to see the economics of both the systems for specific plant, which can have relevance to land layout, ground water table, soil condition, etc. and finally the preference (sometimes prejudice) about the particular system. Therefore you may investigate about the economy issue. You may also look into the possibility or risk factor about the theft (missing quantity) of the coal during transportation distance. As for the required land, do not forget the shunting yard area required in both the systems i.e. incoming loaded wagons rack, its waiting time, outgoing empty wagons rack, its waiting time and connection of all these points to outgoing railway track.
Ishwar Mulani
Author of book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors
Author of book : Belt Feeder Design and Hopper Bin Silo
Tel. No. : 0091 (0)20 2587 1916
Email : ■
Wagon Tippler Vs Track Hopper
Thanks to all of You for suggestions.
We r going ahead with the optimum combination of Both , looking at our own mines and linkage with other Coal Mines and Railways.
B N Singh ■
Re: Track Hopper Vs Wagon Tippler
We are building a 2640MW power plant (Pit Head) in Orissa, India. We are weighing on option of putting MGR (Merry Go Round) system for coal handling.
A train with 58 wagons of each 60 tonne capacity. The approximate train length will be around 600-700 meters. The track hopper length is normally 220meter and it takes 45 minutes to unload the complete 58 wagons in this ssheme.
The problem is we have land (space available) constraint and we can put only one track.
Q1 : My query is can we increase the track hopper length to 450 meters, so that unloading time of complete train with 58 wagons will be reduced to 22 minutes.
Q2: What is the Maximum capacity of track hoppers available in India & Worldwide?
The alternative proposal that I can think of is using of vacuum unloading in addition with bottom discharge. Small lumps of coal can be sucked from open top by Vacuum suckers as it is used in ships(barge) unloading of imported coal.
Q3: What is the minimum/max capacity of such vacuum unloaders available?
Our Coal Requirement is 2100 tonnes per hour (24 hours a day). Andwe are considering only 12 hours a day operation of CHP (Coal Handling Plant Area). ■
Re: Track Hopper Vs Wagon Tippler
If you are dealing with a very high capacity bulk material handling plant, wherein manual unloading from hopper and discharging into track hopper, is not feasible then the choice between wagon tippler or track hopper is already decided indirectly by railways in India. So you can try to know the advantage and disadvantage of each systems but then as I said, the type to be used will depend upon railways in India.
In India, many of the coal mines are located at a great distance from location of consumption. For example if you are referring a thermal power station in Punjab, then coal might be arriving from Bihar or Madhya Pradesh which may be 1000 to 2000 kms away. For such a great distance, so far Indian Railways was not preferring to supply the coal by bottom discharge wagons. Hence, one has to use wagon tippler installation by per force. If you are concerned with a power station close to the mine then you can have a bottom discharge type wagon merry-go-round system and you can have a track unloading hopper.
In the event of hypothetical situation if both the type of wagons are available then the choice of the system would be more by preference. A properly designed and selected wagon tippler installation or track unloading hopper have to perform satisfactorily. One has to see the economy, ground water level, quantum of underground installation, allergy (non preference) of some plant users in context of underground installation etc.
Ishwar G Mulani.
Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.
Author of Book : Belt Feeder Design and Hopper Bin Silo
Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.
Pune, India.
Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25871916
Kind attention Ishwar G Mulani.
Dear sir
In coal handling system for power station in india
1) Why it is being propose to have the undeground hopper for wagon tippler unloadig . And what is the typical level of teh hopper below ground ■
Track Hopper Length
Dear Sir,
You can very well go for 450 mtrs.Track Hopper, and feed through 'T' table to two parallel conveyor, two Paddle feeder working two stand by in maintenance bay.
You can find similar type in NTPC KORBA; REHAND Thermal power plant. L&T & Metso can help you.
Wagon Tippler Or Track Hopper
Dear Sir,
I am working in consultancy for an 3 x 350 MW power plant coal based. i have some doubts
1. Client has decided for an wagon tippler and track hopper. Whether it is necessary for opting both and why, please suggest me
2. As there are land constraints i need to know whether there is any option apart from MERRY GO round. ■
Track Hopper vs Wagon Tippler
Comparison between Track Hopper & Wagon Tippler
I am new in Bulk Material Handling. Can anybody help me with the advantages & disadavantages of both Wagon Tippler & Track Hopper installation in India.
Its urgent as I have to suggest for the system.
B N Singh ■