Re: Use Of Rotary Valves Under Cyclones
The answer is given in your previous thread No 7437. It may have been the wrong Forum but the comments were correct.
You need to discharge your solids stream without upsetting the gas-stream in the cyclones. One way is with a rotary valve. The other is with a pair of slide-valves. The upper one is opened to discharge a small pocket of product while the lower one is kept closed. Then the upper one is closed, and the bottom one opened. This is commonly called a double dump system.
With baghouses, where the amount of dust to be discharged is small the valves are counterbalanced with weights, so that the discharge can be done by gravity.
With gas at 120.C it is better to have more positive control over the opening of the valves by using air cylinders. ■
Rotary Vlves Beneath The Cyclones
Dear Mr. Philray
THe greatest advantage of using the Rotary valves is not only to block the air leakge or air ingress from the opening provided below the cyclone but also to facilitate continuous disccharge of dust collected due to cyclonic process there by eliminating the dust bridging at the conical portion.
We can assist you in a better way to nay of your dust collecor needs.
KIndly get in touch with us if you are interested as, we feel we can do good business in your kind country.
1) Bag Filters/Bag Houses
2) Dust extraction systems
3)FUme extraction and dedusting plants in Ferroy Alloys, STeel, Aluminium, copper, zinc, lead, tin etc plants
4) Waste Incineration dedusting systems
5) Bag House/Bag FIlter replacement parts.
Look forward to hearing form you
We encourage you to visit our website:
Flexclean Systems Private Limited
A-9, Navyog Apartment, Near Mehul Talkies
Nahur Road, Mulund West
Mumbai - 400 080, India
Tel No: +91 22 2560 9682
Fax No: +91 22 2590 0387 /2564 0043
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Use of rotary valves under cyclones
The process will use two high efficiency primary and secondary cyclones to remove minus 3mm to fines material from a hot (120 C) air stream. Do we need rotary valves beneath the cyclones? What advantages and disadvantages are there? ■