Re: Average Cement Discharge Rate Using Mechanical Cement Unloa…
Dear shankar,
The mechanical cement unloader, which you are referring to, is most likely a screw conveyor unloader.
Your question about the average discharge rate of the machine, which you use, let us believe that you have hoped for a higher through the ship unloading performance than you right now experiences.
Screw cement unloaders can reach very high free digging capacities, however, the clean-up properties are reducing the overall discharge rate significantly.
In addition, the clean-up starts already when there is still a considerable volume of cement in the hold to be unloaded.
The clean-up capabilities are the cause of the relatively low TTS performance.
Special clean-up devices are made for screw unloaders.
Pneumatic cement unloaders are a better choice for clean-up
That is the reason that a pneumatic vacuum cement unloader requires a unit with a lower free digging capacity for the same TTS capacity than a screw cement unloader.
It would be appreciated if you could share a logging of some ship unloadings in the form of unloaded tons as a function of the unloading time.
Have a nice day
Teus ■
Average cement Discharge rate using Mechanical cement unloader rated at 800 TPH
Dear All,
I am looking for average cement discharge rate for a bulk carrier carrying 30,000 tons of cement.
The cement unloader I'm using is rated at 800 tons per hour, please advise. ■