Control Concepts, Inc. - Airsweep Systems by Myrlen, Inc are New eDirecory Members

Posted in: , on 31. Jan. 2016 - 20:00


Control Concepts, Inc.

Airsweep Material Flow Systems provide on-demand flow of even the toughest materials by eliminating bridging, ratholes and build-up. Each powerful pulse of the Airsweep® nozzle directs a high-pressure/high-volume, 360-degree burst of compressed air between the material and vessel wall to lift and sweep stagnated material back into the flow stream. The nozzle design (U.S. Patent 6,237,893) ensures an immediate, dust-tight, reseal after each pulse, preventing clogging or material feedback.

Airsweep® nozzles are available in multiple sizes, featuring design, mounting and material of construction options to suit virtually any vessel, process and material.


Airsweeps® Guarantee Flow

Zero Speed Switch

AcoustiClean™ Sonic Horns

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