Iron Ore - Offer: DR Pellets, firm bid requested

Posted in: , on 11. Mar. 2015 - 10:39

Iron Ore - Offer : DR Pellets, firm bid requested, 75 000 mt , origin IOC..

Dear Madam/Sir,

This is the resumed Certificate of analysis with top quality chemical and physical properties of a Cargo of Direct Reduction Pellets with a tonnage 75 000 m.t . : Fe: 67.51; +9.5 mm: 94.2 %

We are in a position to offer this quality Pellets for your esteemed corporation with a tonnage 75.000 m.t. CFR. as mentioned above.

We would like to know, in case of friendly demand the CFR price you could accept.

Expecting your kind answer asap since the Cargo could be delivered ad hoc after your order.

Thank you for your kind attention in advance.

Best Regards,

Dr.- Ing. Hayri Ergun

Independent Consulting Engineer


Erdemir Cad. 64/5


Tel.& Fax: +90 372 323 15 67

Tel.: +90 372 322 76 22

GSM: +90 532 507 95 93


Figure added by Administrator as an example only:


Iron ore pellets

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