Nano-Grinding & Dispersion of Resin

Posted in: , on 26. Oct. 2012 - 19:52


I am contacting you to make you aware of NineSigma Request, RFP# 68754, "Nano-Grinding and Dispersion of Resin."

NineSigma, representing a major materials manufacturer, invites proposals for technologies for grinding a phenolic novolac resin into submicron sized particles and dispersing the particles in an organic solution while preventing coagulation. NineSigma has identified you as a party with the potential to respond to this request, or as a contact who might know of someone with expertise in this area.

This invitation is not a complete description of the project. More information is available in the Request for Proposal (RFP) document online at (or click here to go directly to the web page). The final submission date for Proposal Briefs is November 19, 2012.

If after reviewing the full RFP document you would like more information, you may post questions or comments online at NineSights using the RFP link above. In addition, you may contact me by email and reference RFP# 68754 in the subject line.When you submit a proposal, please use the response template downloaded from the link below:



Hank Hosaka, Ph.D.

Program Manager

NineSigma, Inc.

23611 Chagrin Blvd., Ste. 320

Cleveland, Ohio 44122-5540

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