Water Pressure in a Wet System

Posted in: , on 23. Sep. 2011 - 08:46

The importance of proper WATER PRESSURE (PSI) on a wet system

A new story from a field trip:

An interesting troubleshooting story on this startup last week.

Brand new Closed circuit crushing/WET SCREENING/Dewatering circuit startup.......everything was working quite nicely but, we ran into a problem on the unders FLUME beneath the 3rd deck of the WET SCREEN.

Turns out after more investigation, there was NOT ENOUGH water pressure "at the spray nozzles" to efficiently MOVE THE MATERIAL...off the FLUME CHUTEWORK....the material was actually clean, but the material was getting down to the FLUME PAN so quickly...it would GANGUP and block the flow of material and then actually BLOW WATER out behind the dammed up material through the top the FLUME SIDES gushing all over the place.

This in fact was happening due to lack of pressure to HELP IT MOVE DOWN THE FLUME or more correctly, keep it moving to avoid it from stopping in the first place. A number of factors contributed to this: distance from the intake pump was over .6/KLM ....elevation was about 30-40 feet higher than the intake position...causing the amount of water up above at the nozzle position to below a MUCH DECREASED USGPM than recommended by 1/2 hence, the problem was created.

The fix was to increase the size of the pump to a larger gallonage by our calcs, which after installed, actually FIXED THE BLOCKED FLUME PROBLEM.

Best Regards, George Baker Regional Sales Manager - Canada TELSMITH Inc Mequon, WI 1-519-242-6664 Cell E: (work) [email]gbaker@telsmith.com[/email] E: (home) [email] gggman353@gmail.com[/email] website: [url]www.telsmith.com[/url] Manufacturer of portable, modular and stationary mineral processing equipment for the aggregate and mining industries.
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