Liner Plate Comparison

Posted in: , on 9. Aug. 2010 - 10:57

Liner Plate - Difference between JFE-EH360 / Hardox 400 / Hardox 450 & Quard 400

Pl. clarify the difference between the following material.

1) JFE-EH360

2) Hardox 450

3) Quard 400.

we had earlier used Hardox 400 as liner plate in hopper / silo. can we use any of the above material as a substitue of Hardox 400.

if yes which one will be the better option.



Vinay H. Patel

Re: Liner Plate Comparison

Erstellt am 9. Aug. 2010 - 09:17

Hardox is a brand name for material manufactured by Swedish Steel. The web site gives physical properties and chemical composition.

Don't know the others, suggest you use Google to get the comparative data.

Re: Liner Plate Comparison

Erstellt am 9. Aug. 2010 - 04:45

JFE EH (Everhard) plate is a product by JFE Steel Co. in Japan and Quard Plate is manufactured by Duferco Clabecq in Belgium.

You would be best to get their material characteristic for the grades of plate and do your own comparison.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
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Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Liner Material

Erstellt am 12. Aug. 2010 - 01:18

When you ask which is the better material for lining a hopper youmust distinguish between best for wear or best for slip. The hardness will affect its resistance to abrasion but for deciding which material offers the best slip properties you must test the wall friction with a representative sample of the material being stored.No outsider can advise you of this preference unless they test the material for you.