Legal on the Stack/Chimney Emission

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 14. Apr. 2010 - 07:06


just to survey, for any bag filter/filter/air poluution control equipment at your workplace do you need to comply for clean iar regulation such as to do iso kinetic stack sampling or equivalent for all the stack of air pollution control equipment big or small unit or just applicable for big filter only?

need your input tq

Technology Gone Mad

Erstellt am 14. Apr. 2010 - 09:50

A parallel story because I'm bored out of my skull.

During the late '70's Escom in Saath Efrika used to dope their boiler coal with radioactive isotopes and then chase the smoke in a single engined plane fitted with geiger counters to monitor the pollutant dispersions. The technician involved was also housed in company property which had a pylon strategicaly planted in his back garden.

I trust pollution monitoring has developed since those exciting times.

(not verified)

Re: Legal On The Stack/Chimney Emission

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2010 - 03:28

haha..i agree with u louise.....

actually what i can see.....they follow USEPA method 1 and method 5......

(not verified)

Re: Legal On The Stack/Chimney Emission

Erstellt am 14. May. 2010 - 08:09

I have heard that there is a compulsion for the smoke emitting companies that they have to filter that smoke before emitting it in the air and the smoke after filter is not too much dangerous as it is before filtration.